Chapter 86: Castle guards

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 86: Castle guards


Nami suddenly stopped and started looking at one of the paintings.

"What is it, Nami?" Asked Usopp.

"mmm, it could be my imagination, but I think this painting just moved its eyes." Said Nami.

"We should keep moving." Said Vivi while glancing at the painting.

"Yes, we need to find the Doctor!" Said Chopper.

"You still want to talk with that guy, Chopper?" Asked Usopp.

Chopper looked serious. "I want to give him a chance to explain himself at least. Maybe He has a good reason…"

Nami stopped after we entered the next room. "Hey!, this is the room where we had dinner!"

"Well, the Doctor and his servant are not here anymore. And the place is much darker now…" Observed Usopp.

"They have gone to bed already." A voice came from above. Startling them.

"Gya!, Hildon! Don't scare me like that!" Yelled Usopp.

"My apologies, allow me to guide you to your guest rooms." Said Hildon.

"He wants to guide us somewhere else now?... I don't trust him" Said Usopp.

"I still think that we should leave this place right now." Added Nami.

Hildon got nervous.

"H-hold on, let me talk with the Doctor at least!"

"Hohoho, it doesn't seem like they want to follow you, Hildon"

A mysterious voice came from somewhere in the room.

"Leave me alone! I will do my job!" Said Hildon.

"That's not a good idea, those kids are too suspicious already. Before letting them escape…"

A creepy woman came out of one of the paintings and launched herself at Chopper.

"We won't let you go home!"

"Ah!" Chopper cried in surprise at the sudden attack.

"soru" Vivi moved in front of Chopper and punched the creepy woman in the face, sending her back into the painting with a loud crack.

A decorative sword came loose and flew towards Usopp who barely dodge it.


"I am the boss of this room!" The voice came from a pig head that was hanging on the wall.

"I am the great Oinkchuck! You will not make it out of this room! oink"

"The taxidermy is talking!" Shouted Usopp.

The rug under their feet started moving too. Vivi grabbed Nami and took her to one of the corners of the room that had nothing that could attack her.

"You should be fine here, but pull out your weapon just in case." Said Vivi before looking back at the room.

The rub had turned into a giant bear.

"Who stabbed me in the back!" It complained. It had the sword that Usopp avoided stabbed at its fur.

"This mansion is full of monsters!" Shouted Usopp while hanging from the chandelier.

"You, on the chandelier, get down!"

"Rug-bear knock him down!" The monsters on the painting yelled.

Usopp threw one of the candles from the chandelier at the rug-bear and this one immediately started to panic.

"Nooo!, not fire! Is hot! hot!"

"Oh no, fire! extinguish it quickly!" The paintings also started to panic.

"It looks like those monsters are really afraid of fire….well have some more!" Usopp took up more candles and started to throw them everywhere.

"Let's get out of here!" Chopper went running to where Nami was.

"There is a door over here!" Said Nami while trying to open it. "It won't budge!"

"Move!" Said Vivi while bringing her fist back. After Nami and Chopper got out of the way. She launched her attack.

"Water Blast!"

The cannon of water impacted the door, breaking it into pieces.

"Good job, Vivi!" Praised Chopper.

"Let's go!" Shouted Nami.

The trio cross the door hole and went running through another hall.

After running for around a minute, Vivi stopped. "Wait…I think we forgot something…"

"What do you mean? we all here…" Nami looked around.

"Guys? where is-"

"Usopp!" Chopper shouted at the realization.

A voice came from the end of the hall.

"You assholes!"

They could now see Usopp running in their direction with a distressed expression.

Behind him was the burn but still alive, rug-bear chasing after him.

"We were just talking about you, Usopp!" Said Vivi.

"Hold on, let me take care of this."

Vivi moved between Usopp and the bear. She extended her fingers while pointing at it.

"Gatling!" Dozens of water bullets flew out, aiming for the bear's head.

"Zombies are supposed to die if you destroy their brains, right?" Wondered Vivi.

The bear screamed in pain as the bullets pierced his head before it fell down and stopped moving.

"That should do it…"

"Usopp!, im glad you are fine!" Said Chopper.

"Yeah!" Said Nami while avoiding his gaze.

Usopp meanwhile was giving them a nasty glare and gasping for air.

"Ufff ufff…."

He rested his back against the wall and placed his hand in one of the many wall candelabras for extra support.

But as soon as he added some weight to it, the candelabra moved down and the wall behind Usopp rotated very quickly, sending him to the other side of the wall so fast that it almost looked like He disappeared with not even time to scream.

"Usopp!" Exclaimed Chopper.

"What happened to him?" Said Nami.

"It looks like Usopp has found a secret passage. I bet this castle has many of those." Explained Vivi.

"Oh! I bet they had some treasure hidden somewhere in a secret room!...good job Usopp!!" Nami gave a thumbs up.

They then took turns using the candelabra and enter the secret room.

On the other side, they found Usopp staring at a giant picture of the servant, Cindry.

Other than that one, the room was filled with pictures of her.

"She doesn't have any of those nasty scars in these pictures." Nami pointed out.

"They must have been taken before the Doctor did… whatever He did to her." Said Vivi.

"Man…she was very pretty." Said Usopp.