Chapter 137: Return

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 137: Return

The Shabondy Archipelago was currently engulfed in absolute chaos.

After two years of absence and rumors of their deads, the Strawhats were back in the Islands, and not only that, but they were also recruiting a massive amount of new members in order to tackle the 'New World'.

This made the marines stationed on the Archipelago very nervous and were preparing to launch a full-on attack on the Strawhats.

Grove 46, 'Strawhat Pirates' meeting.

The place was filled with over a hundred Pirates'. They were ALL looking towards a risen platform where a small group of individuals was standing

"Take him out!"

"Big Boss!"

"Kill him!"

The furious crowd was yelling.

A big individual who was in the middle of the platform made some hand gestures and the crowd was promptly silenced.

He was 3 meters tall man, with a big belly, hairy legs, and a straw hat on his head.

He looked at the Pirates' below him and gave them a cruel smile before he started talking.

"Looks like we found one of them culprits already! One of the cowards who attacked me at the tavern!."

"Rip his Head off" someone yelled.

"I will start by teaching this man a lesson. And you all should take this as a warning of what will happen to those that betray me!"

"This is as far as you go, pirate scum!." A marine shouted from behind the group of pirates.

The pirates cried in surprise and turned around to face the Marines.

"Strawhat Luffy and all of your minions! I suggest that you surrender peacefully, we have sealed all exits from Grove 46. There is nowhere to run!" The marine in charge demanded of them.

"Shit!, the marines are here already?!" The big man with the strawhat exclaimed.

Luffy, who had been following two guys who were pretending to be Zoro and Sanji looked very confused. "How did the Marines know I was here? I'm wearing a perfect disguise." He said while readjusting his fake mustache.

Fake Sanji looked at Luffy with a surprised expression. "What are you talking about?"

"Captain!, they really got us surrounded!" The Fake Zoro shouted.

"You idiot! we have nothing to fear. We have gathered a huge crew with many high-bounty pirates" The Fake Luffy whispered.

He then looked over the crowd until he found the one that he was looking for.

"Oi!, Caribou. Use the marine soldier we captured before as a shield to open a path!"

"They have captured one of our own?!"

"This is bad"

"Sir!, I believe is one of the scouts we sent before."

The Marines argued among themselves.

Caribou looked at the Fake Luffy and chuckled.

"Sorry Boss. I'm afraid I can't do that…see, this little shit had lied to my face, he told me that he didn't call for his pals."

He then proceed to take out a long gun and pointed at the hostage marine.

"You idiot! stop!" Fake Luffy ordered.

"Bam!" The sound of the pistol resounded over the area as Caribou shoot the defenseless marine.

This action seemed to have enraged the Marines.

"It doesn't look like they have any intentions of coming quietly"

"Caribou, you bastard!." The Fake Luffy screamed. "You just ignored a direct order from your Captain!"

"Shoot the pirates down!" Shouted the Marines. They then rose their weapons and pointed them at the pirates.

Caribou laughed. "I smell blood for spilling…"

"Idiots! Our Captain got a bounty of 300 Million. He is Strawhat Luffy!"

"Take them down!"

The pirates were prepared to charge at the Marines.

At that moment, in the middle of the battlefield, a silvery liquid appeared out of nowhere, startling everyone.

"Careful!, there's something over there!" The marine leader warned.

"What is that thing?" One of the pirates pointed at the strange object.

"It looks like liquid metal…Is one of you guys doing that? A fruit user or something?" Someone inquired.

The silver substance stood floating one foot over the ground and started to change shape until it adopted an oval form.

Luffy looked at the silver object with interest.

"I feel something familiar…"

The silver liquid started to move, putting everyone on guard since they did not know who was controlling this thing and what did it do.

The liquid seems to be parting away, leaving room for a human shape to come out of it.

"There is someone inside that thing!" One of the pirates shouted.

"Everyone!, stay on guard." Shouted the marine leader.

A striking woman with blue hair came out of the silver liquid, she was barely wearing any clothes, just some pieces of red leather covering her private parts.

Right after she came out, the silver liquid dissolved and disappeared into nothingness, leaving the woman alone, in the middle of the field, surrounded by marines and pirates.

"Pheew…that was an unpleasant trip…" Sighed Vivi after coming out of the portal.

She looked around and saw all the people around her.

"Did I interrupt something important?" She asked.

"Wow!, who is the hottie?!"

"She looks so sexy with those leather rags!"

The pirates were forgetting the situation they were in.

"Vivi!" Luffy did not take long to recognize her.

Vivi had already felt his presence in the area. She turned to look at him.

"Captain!" She shouted with excitement. "It's been a while." She waved her hand at Luffy.

"Did she say, Captain?"

"She is a pirate then?!"

"Who is that guy she is talking to?!. Wait!, isn't that the guy they were about to execute?!."

The pirates started arguing and looking at Luffy with envy.

"Sir!, I think I recognize that woman" One of the marines turned to his superior.

They were too far away to hear Luffy calling her name but recognize her looks anyways.

"I know…there aren't that many female pirates with long blue hair. That has to be-"

An explosion occurred at the area where a group of pirates was standing.

"Ahh!!" Pirates started to scream.

Two giant identical men appeared and started to attack the pirates.

"Nooo, let me go!" Someone had been grabbed by one of the men.

"Is the Pacifistas!" A pirate warned before started running away.

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