Chapter 172: The Start of another adventure

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 172: The Start of another adventure

The party last the entire night, leaving the marine warship quite messy by the end of it.

There was no need to say that Vice-Admiral Smoker was livid.

They left the marines alone, as promised so they could start their slow way back to the Headquarters.

Vivi tried to get Zoro to say something else to Tashigi but the thickheaded swordman refused and instead just go angry.

Empress Hancock escorted them all until they left the calm belt since she had the only ship that could safely travel through those waters and the Sea Snakes were the only thing keeping other Sea Kings away from them.

She left looking very embarrassed after Luffy gave her a tight hug and a sincere thank you for her assistance.

It was then time for the Whitebeard Pirates to depart too.

"Are you sure that you want to take him?" Asked Nami to Marco.

Then, Marco and Ace agree to take Eustass Kid with them and Kid reluctantly consents to go with them since he didn't have much other choice.

Vivi was quite relieved, at first she had considered requesting for Kid to join their crew, but the man was left in a very unstable state. It would be like taking a ticking bomb into their ship. A very bad idea, right before embarking on a submarine adventure.

"Don't worry, we are good at rehabilitating damaged individuals. Many of our brothers were like him or worse at some point." Explained Ace.

"Then…we will leave him in your hands then." Said Vivi.

"What are the Whitebeard Pirates going to do now?, are you going to become the next Captain," Sanji asked Marco.

Marco sighed and shook his head.

"I have no interest in becoming the Captain" He looked at his side.

"If anyone can do it, it would be you, Ace."

Ace frowned at the thought.

"There was one time when becoming the Pirate King was my dream…then I meet Father and that dream changed…I don't know. I need some time to think."

"True. We all need to have a long talk about these matters." Agreed Marco and the other pirates.

Ace approached Luffy.

"Take care, brother. I'm sure we will meet again soon." Ace gave him a strong handshake.

"You bet!, shishishi." Laughed Luffy.

Once the Whitebeard Pirates sailed away, the Strawhats were left alone once more.

The entire crew was currently on the main deck of the Sunny and their Captain looked at them.

"Our reunion after two years apart was spoiled by what happened to my brother. But we all are finally back together!. Now we can on an adventure!" He shouted.

"Yeah!!" The crew cheered.

"I have a lot more I would like to say but…" Their Captain started.

"Let me just say one thing. Thank you for going along with my selfish whims for the past two years."

The crew smiled.

"Alright!, Fishman Island, here we come!" Shouted Luffy.

"Nami, is everything ready to part?"

The navigator nodded.

"We just need to rise the sailed and activate the coating."

"We need the sails?. Arent we going underwater?" Asked a confused Usopp.

"Yes, Rayleigh told us that with the coating, the ship can take underwater currents by using the sails." Explained Robin.

Nami cheeked her log pose.

"Still pointing down. But is going to take us longer now. We were originally going to part from Shabondy Archipelago, right now we are two days away from that point. I calculate that is going to take us almost 9 days to reach Fishman Island."

"Nine days underwater…" Said Chopper.

"If we stay longer on the surface we are at risk of running into more marines. After the mess we made in Impel Down, they are going to come after us like rabid dogs." Said Vivi.

"That's true…" Agreed Sanji.

After raising the sails and removing the buoyancy bag that was keeping the ship afloat while the coating was activated, the Sunny started to sink into the waters slowly.

"Great, here we go!" Exclaimed Vivi.

The ship sank completely into the waters and keep descending.

"The bubble is not going to break, right?" Asked Usopp while looking around.

The Sunny was almost completely covered by a bubble of air, leaving only the main sail out of it.

"This was made by no other than Rayleigh, we will be fine." Robin tried to assure him.

"Wait, do we have enough food?" Asked Luffy with worry.

"You think of asking now?!" Complained Zoro..

"There is a lot of food, the storage is almost full." Said Sanji.

"But considering how much our Captain eats…we may have to catch a few fishes while we are down there."

"Wait, what about booze?" Asked the swordsman.

"There is plenty for the trip too." Answered Sanji.

"Great, let's party then!" Exclaimed their Captain.

"Again?!" Nami made a shocked face.

"We just party last night!, I still have a headache."

"I would not mind a drink or two…" Said Zoro.

"Now that I think about it…we left quite the mess in Smoker's ship before leaving." Commented Vivi.

"Oh yeah…I forgot to clean the kitchen too. I left a few dishes to do… " Said Sanji.

"Well now, Zoro's non-girlfriend is going to have to clean them!" Said Vivi.

"She is not my…" He then realized what she said. "That's right…"

"I mean, she could be if you make a move thought." Suggested Vivi.

"The moss head with that beauty? tsk, keep dreaming!" Said Sanji.

"Hmph!, I'm not interested anyways!. My goal is to become the best swordsman in the world, that's it!" Exclaimed Zoro.

"Yeah, you keep thinking like that and you are going to have to polish your own sword for the rest of your life…" Commented Vivi.

"Vivi!, dont be so crass!" Admonished Nami.

"Sanji, go make some food!, I'm hungry!" Exclaimed their Captain.

"I just woke up…just go make yourself a toast or…" Sanji thought for a moment about leaving Luffy alone in the kitchen and started to sweat.

"Give me a moment, I'll prepare something."

"Yeah!" Shouted Luffy with happiness.

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