Chapter 310: The bill!

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 310: The bill!

Bakura Town, Flying Carp Restaurant

"Hmph!, those two are probably dead or captured by this point." The Great sumo champion brought another piece of fried pork into his mouth.

"Of course they are, Mister Urashima. I still think that sending two Gifters was overkill…" A man with giant rat ears chuckled with amusement.

"No…those two had a dangerous aura, especially the samurai... That was the right decision." The sumo champion said.

"Of course I could have beaten them myself!, but why risk getting an injury right before the championship?."

"You are right, Mister Urashima. And how did it go with that woman you went to see?"

"Kiku?...she is playing hard to get. But she has no reason to refuse my offer. I can provide for her with my social standing and fame. She won't find a better husband than me!" Urashima huffed with mild annoyance. It was the third time he had offered her marriage and she was yet to accept.

"Why even give her the chance to reject you?. She is a commoner from the Leftovers Town, she can't even enter Lord Orochi's territory. Just take her by force and burn her house down!." The rat man said with a cruel grin.

"Someone of your high social standing doesn't need to show so much restraint when dealing with that commoner, just take what you want, she won't even be able to complain!"

"Hehe…yes, I think you are right. I'll take her tomorrow after I win my next championship!."

"Now you are talking like a true champion, hihihi."

"Waitress!" Urashima roared.

"Bring me more fried pork and more rice, and be quick about it!"

A scared young girl hurried to approach his table.

"Mister Urashima, I'm very sorry but…we have run out of pork…"

"What?!" The sumo wrestler smashed his fist against the table.

"Fine then…bring me some fried carp then."

The girl's face went paler.

"We don't have any more carp either…"

"I've never seen this fine restaurant run out of food…how odd," Mouseman commented.

"Most of our reserves have been emptied by one client…" The waitress confessed to them.

"One?...who dares to do such a thing?!" Urashima shouted.

"Another one!, shishishi" 

They heard someone laughing from the other side of the restaurant.

Both Urashima and Mouseman looked over and saw a black haired young man sitting on a table filled with empty bowls. 

It was easy to conclude that this was the person responsible for the lack of ingredients.

"Who is that guy?, I've never seen him before," Urashiman said with restrain. He was familiar with all the highest ranks in the country, but there was a chance that this man was a new Headliner. And those were usually very dangerous people that he didn't want to offend.

"I don't know…never seen him either," Mouseman said.

"Why don't we go ask him?"

"More meat!" Luffy demanded.

The restaurant owner in person had to approach him.

"My apologies, my good client, but our meat reserves are running very low and we need to leave something for the other clients."

The owner already knew how bad it was that they had run out of pork and carp. If he also runs out of meat, he may end up being killed today.

"Ehh?...fine…I guess I'm filled for now." He rubbed his massive belly.

"For now?, after eating all of that?" Urashima looked impressed. Even at his hungriest, he couldn't have eaten half of that.

"He must be a big shot" Mouseman whispered to him.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but…how are you planning on paying for this meal?" The wonder asked with respect. He did not want to offend someone dangerous by talking about money.

"Oh right?...usually Nami would do those things…let me think…" Luffy considered what to do now. He didn't bring any money with him, and he had no idea where Nami was.

At that moment, a loud commotion could be heard outside.

"What is going on?" Urashima, who had been approaching Luffy's table intending to introduce himself had stopped and looked outside.

"A fight?, I suppose those are not…wait!" Mouseman moved his ears.

"Thanks to my special mouse powers, I have five times the hearing of a normal man, and I'm picking something interesting.!"

"What did you hear?!" Urashima asked with interest.

"It seems like we have some intruders coming from the Leftovers Town," Mouseman answered.

"Who can be that stupid?!, that's a dead sentence," Urashima said. This was something that their Lord had decreed. Anyone from that town who set foot on Bakura Town without permission was to be executed on sight.

"I don't know, but they are putting up quite the fight for what I hear," Mouseman said.

A window shattered and two people flew inside the restaurant, startling everyone in the process.

"Oh my God!, those are Pleasures!" Someone shouted.

The two men who had been thrown inside were wearing the usual black armor used by the Pleasure soldiers.

Those men always inflict terror in the hearts of the citizens of Bakura Town and no one would be crazy enough to antagonize them. They all knew that even if they would beat a Pleasure or Two, then…a Gifter would come for them, and that would be their end.

"Someone is fighting the Pleasures?, I want to see who this crazy person is." Urashima had already forgotten about the food. Instead, he hurried outside to watch the spectacle.

"Wait!" Mouseman tried to warn him but it was too late.

As Urashima approached the door…the whole entrance of the restaurant burst open and water poured in, along with a dozen men and a half-woman half-horse creature.

"How annoying…they won't even let us walk in peace…" Vivi huffed.

"Arent we suppose to be laying low?. I think you just alerted everyone on the island about our presence…" Zoro said.

"Is not that bad. I didn't even kill any of them, except for that man bat from before." Vivi said.

"I believe his name was Batman," Zoro recalled.

"It doesn't matter!" She exclaimed.

"And…oh…look!" Vivi pointed towards the hole she made on the wall of the restaurant. They could see everyone inside now.

"The Captain is there!"

Luffy turned around to hear the familiar voices. He immediately spotted the figures of Zoro and Vivi.

"Vivi, Zoro!. I'm so glad to see you again!" Luffy stood up from his seat while holding a piece of paper.

"I need you guys to pay this bill for me!"

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