Pokeball! (6)

"Me want outside!"

I tell my mum in a cheerful tone.

"Just give me a moment okay?"

She responds while going down stairs. Seeing her leave I started to move around some of my toys with my powers for a little bit more fun.

How time sure flies, it's now been three years since I've been reincarnated into the Pokemon world and it's been pretty interesting to say the least.

My parents would take me out sometimes to enjoy the fresh air but it was mostly mum as dad had to work hard.

Currently I'm going to be heading out to my mums friends house to meet her child. It's basically a play date if you didn't notice. I don't really mind making a friend as I'm quite bored, befriending a child is annoying but being bored is worse.

After a few minutes of waiting my Mother came back up to my room and picked me up.

"Today you will make a new friend, do your best."

She says while pumping her fist up in the air. This some shady stuff man, did she make a deal in high school to marry me off to her friends child or what. I've seen some people do that in my past life to make their children childhood friends or some shit.

She seems a little too excited.

"Friend make!"

I say excitedly wanting to go outside. The main reason for this is because I want to see my mother's Pokemon again. Every time we would go outside dad and her would send out there Pokemon for "protection".

It's mainly to make them feel safe but it does make sense, the only instance of danger was a wild Spinarak getting lost and somehow getting near us though throughout all my times outside.

Dad's Honchkrow pummeled that poor bug though as he wanted to look cool in front of me.

My parents were normal people who didn't use Pokemon to battle much but enjoyed the company of them. My dad does seem to have a little experience though but I would still think he'd lose to Ash somehow.

Mother hearing my cute reply quickly picks me off the ground and makes her way outside of the house.


I say giggling as I clap my hands. My mums Pokemon is really an unexpected Pokemon that I didn't think someone from the Sinnoh region would own.

"Alright everything is ready! Let me send out Yuki real quickly."

My mum says cheerfully as she takes a pokeball out of her pocket. Mother tapping the white button suddenly makes the Pokeball enlarge.

Tapping it again the Pokeball opens up and shows a red beam coming out of it.



The now identified Eevee calls out cheerfully while doing circles around us.

"Eevee pat!"

I call out.

For the rest of the trip to mums friends house I ended up walking for a little bit of that distance, meanwhile I gave Eevee loads of pats and hugs.

Knock knock-

"It's me Shizu!"

I hear mum call out while she knocks on the door. Soon after this you could hear a couple of loud footsteps making their way towards the door.


"I'll be right there!"

A shout comes from the house as the footsteps get closer.

'This is a nice house.'

I think to myself.

The door soon after starts to open up making a Woman with blue hair visible.

"Shizu it's been a while how have you been!"

The woman says in in a friendly tone.

"It has been a while Hanna! Look who I've brought with me today~"

Mother says the latter in a mischievous manner. Still behind my mothers legs I start to peek out and take a better look at the milf.

"Hallo Hana! I Chi!"

I say trying to introduce myself. Looking up at her face I see stars in her eyes.

I suddenly don't got a good feeling about this.

"What a gentleman, he's so adorable."

She cooed at me while my mother watched as I got smothered with hugs.

'Help me, anyone!'

I cry inwardly. This milf's bust and tits are huge but I don't got no hormones. Squirming in her possession for a little bit I hear another voice behind Johanna.

"Mama who is that?"

A child's voice can be heard confused. Johanna turning around with me still is her grasp introduces me.

"His name is Aichi, your new friend!"

She said in excitement and soon after letting me go.

'Wait a minute, Dawn?'

I've just realised who this girl is, it was a bit hard at first but after a little bit but with her telling me her name it soon become very clear.

My mother was talking a lot with her friend while you could probably guess my unintelligent conversation with baby Dawn. There wasn't really anything interesting.

"I pretty?"


(Time Skip MC's 5th Birthday)

"Happy Birthday!"

Everyone on the table said enthusiastically as I proceeded to blow the candle on the cake. Today was my fifth birthday and is almost the day I can get my Pokemon.

"Common now open your gifts."

My dad says as he pulls me to the side. My birthday was a small but nice one with the only people other than my parents were Dawn and Johanna which I didn't mind.

"See mine! See mine first!"

Dawn could be heard nagging me.

"Okay I will.

I went through some of the presents and got things like a bike with training wheels, a dark brown scarf I assume is from Dawn as she's giggling a lot while I wear it.

"I like the scarf a lot, thank you!"

I tell Dawn.

All the adults in the room started to get a weird look though. My mum had that weird thing with her friend like they in high school gossiping about other girls while dad taking pictures.

'I swear they shipping us or something.'

After going through the other gifts I finally get to the one I've been waiting for.

Walking up to a rectangle shaped gift I started to remove the wrapping without any hesitation.

With the wrapping now gone, you could see a high quality container with three Pokeballs inside.

The three Pokeballs included a luxury ball and two ultra balls.

"These costed me quite the pretty penny, even with how rich we are it's extremely hard to get these type of Pokeballs. But an old acquaintance from the Johto region made these especially for you."

He says with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Your the best dad!"

I respond with giving him a big hug.

These Pokeballs will be used to catch my Honedge tomorrow and because it's supposed to be very obedient he should just get in here without any troubles. I should probably give him the Luxury ball so we could bond better.


[A/N: Sorry for the late chapter, I typed this on New Year's Day but ended up sleeping xD. Happy late new years boys!]