Humbling Lesson One (28)

After we said our goodbyes to Professor Rowan we made our way outside. Leaving through the front door we spot a guy of similar age to us and had purple hair.

"Oh!" Ash says a little surprised after recognising who it is. The rest of the gang looking over to the tree spot a guy I can identify as Paul.

He seemed to be waiting for someone, I wonder who.

"Yea who are you?" Professor Rowan asks. Paul walking up to us makes his way in front of Ash before introducing himself.

"My names Paul and from the looks of things you seem to be Professor Rowan." He says in an haughty tone. Dawn and I looking at Paul get a little annoyed. "I'm waiting for him." He adds in the end while looking at Ash.

"For me?" Ash responds like the dumbass he is. Paul telling Ash to battle him because of Ash getting his third Pokemon back wants to do it here.

But unlike in the anime Pikachu is still injured from the rubble as he fell with the hands instead of Ash breaking it and getting out of there.

"Pikachu is still injured and can't battle." Ash responds with a resolute look. Paul getting an annoyed expression frowns.

"Ill battle you if you need someone to fight. It doesn't look like you know what you're doing anyways." I respond in a taunting way. Paul hearing this stares at me with.

I want to humble this guy a little ya know? He seems like the type you need to take down a notch.

"You got three Pokemon." He asks in a sort of defensive way. Showing him my Luxury Ball, Ultra Ball and Pokeball he starts to grin. "A rich boy huh, I'll need to take you down a step." He tells me. Everyone witnessing this doesn't talk as Professor Rowan leads us to his backyard so we can battle.

'If I remember correctly he made the rules with Ash which I don't like, so I'll state them.' I think to myself as Paul and I make our way to the opposing sides.

"We will do traditional Pokemon rules, three on three. The winner is the one with Pokemon left standing. No substitutions" I tell him with a confident look as I pulled out Slowbro's Pokeball. Paul smirking at my words immediately agrees.

"What's so funny, you ready for humbling lesson one?" I tell taunt him as he grabs his own Pokeball.

"Well you're just some random kid who thinks he knows how to battle. I'll end this as fast as possible. Daddy's money won't help you here" He responds making me grin at his taunt. The higher they are the bigger the fall.

"I'll be the referee." Brock announces as he makes his way to the bottom middle of the small battle ground.

"You got this Aichi!" Both Ash and Dawn cheer as they want to watch me battle. After notifying to Brock that both Paul and I are ready, Brock starts it off.

"Begin!" Brock announces that both Paul and I have send out our first Pokemon.

"Starly, standby I choose you!" Paul's shouts.

"Starly starly!" The Pokemon shouts as it lands on the ground.

"This is all yours Slowbro." I say as my Pokemon gets revealed.

"Slowbro~" A Slowbro at the height of 170cm (5"7) makes an impact on the ground as it positions itself in a defensive stance.


"Woah a Slowbro!" Ash says in surprise as Dawn checks her Pokedex on what the Pokemon is. Ignoring the sound of Dawn's Pokedex I taunt Paul.

"You have the first move." I tell him while yawning.

Paul gets a little annoyed as he makes the first move. Seeing him fall for my taunts every time I start to grin.

"Starly use [Aerial Ace]" Paul shouts. Starly getting up high in the air starts to dive down towards Slowbro in "high speeds".

"Use [Withdraw] and smack it when it gets close." I command. I want to play around and play with my food a little. Seeing his mentality go down the drain will be exciting. But I'm not sure if his Pokemon can handle Slowbro's attacks


Starly now a few metres from Slowbro tries to go for a hit, but Slowbro now covered in a shiny blue hue smacks Starly to the ground.


Starly hitting the ground creates a small dust cloud which disappears after a little bit. Brock looking at the downed Starly tells Paul to send out his next Pokemon.

"Nice one man, I can already call this match practically over with that." I call out. But Paul not paying attention anymore starts to take deep breaths. He seems to have noticed what I'm trying to do.

'He's a smart guy I'll give him that.' I think to myself as Paul sends out his next Pokemon.

"Elekid standby, choose you!" Paul calls out shortly after recalling the downed Starly.

"Bee bi bee!" Paul's Pokemon shouts as he hits the ground. Looking over to his Elekid I could see that he has trained it quite decently. The Pokemon could give my Slowbro a run for its money if it was a Slowpoke and still a new born and that's it though.

"Slowbro, [Teleport] next to it and use [Yawn]" I call out. Before Paul could process what I said though, my Slowbro was already next to Elekid and used [Yawn] to make it sleep.

"What!" Paul's shouts seeing his Elekid slumped down. My Slowbro being the chad that he is doesn't need more instructions as he uses [Zen Headbutt] on the downed Elekid.

*Boom!* Another explosion happens similar to the last Pokemon, Starly. Identical to the last fight, Paul's Pokemon faints almost immediately.

"Damnit." Paul mumbles in frustration. Everyone in the crowd including Brock gets a shocked face seeing how strong Slowbro is. Brock regaining himself tells Paul to send out his last Pokemon.

"I forfeit." Paul says reluctantly while clenching his fist with rage. Seeing this I start to get a wide grin plastered on my face.

It's sad he didn't send out Chimchar but he probably understood that it would of lost as well because of the typing. Paul at least uses his brain when battling, it's just that Slowbro is too strong.

Four years of training does that to you with the best Pokefood, training equipment and dedication to the grind.

I want to test my Aegislash but that will be way later down the line.


[A/N: This is a stick up! Hand over your stones and no one gets hurt and I will post extra chapters today 🔫]