Black Market (39)

Walking down the empty street, I make a sharp turn into an alley way. I was currently still in Jubilife City as was going to visit a certain place. I've been meaning to visit it before but never had the chance.

The black market.

There are many things you can find here like Pokemon, which are sold for money. Jubilife the biggest City in Sinnoh would obviously have some shady areas. But this place would have to take the cake.

Not everything there was illegal but there are a lot of valuables there.

I had Aegislash check around the area and do his own thing, and a piece of interesting information he got was about an auction. It was gonna be happening tonight, so I was quite interested.

Using a cloak to hide identity, I walk up to a man and pay him $4.30 pokedollars. It's oddly specific because it's how he knows that I'm qualified, or "know" the open secret to enter.

I may be short, but no one would be willing to "harm" me in anyway. The only exceptions being someone who is desperate or if I offended anyone. So me minding my business should be alright.

"Go through." He mumbles out. Looking on ahead, a little staircase going downwards opens up.

-Be on guard- I tell Aegislash. If I get into a fight it would be quite troublesome. It wouldnt be hard to find out my identity if I use my Aegislash in public because of how "unique" it is. Even then, I could use Slowbro but he isn't as reliable.

Walking down the staircase, it takes a little bit before I started to hear voices of chatter. Seeing the white light, I walk through to be greeted to the sight of a lively area.

The overall huge place had a Purple, black and gold design with multiple stands selling particular stuff were here. Further on were full on stores that "sold" stuff.

'The auction should be starting in an hour, I got time.' I thought to myself. I didn't want to be thought of as new to this place, so I didn't look around like a lost child.

Walking towards some stands where there were some caged up Pokemon, I started to look around.

"These are all for sale sir." A person calls out from the back. Nodding, I look through the Pokemon in their separate cages.

The Pokemon I saw were Mienfoo, Houndour, Blitzle, Tailow, Whismur and Wooper. This guy had quite the collection from a few different regions.

Heading over to the last few cages I see battered and bruised Pokemon, just like the rest. But one cage in particular interested me.

'A Fomantis.' I thought while looking at the Pokemon. To be honest with myself I don't really have an spot for it, but I could gift it to Dawn.

It's not that I don't think it could be strong, but I'm a bit biased and think it wouldn't do well on my team. I'd like to think Pokemon with higher stats or abilities from my old world are better, because I'd prefer a psuedo Pokemon over something like a starter.

The Pokemon currently on its side, looks at me with tears in its eyes. Crawling out of its little shadow in the back, but it suddenly crawls back seemingly getting startled.

"Fo?" It softly cries out.

"You've got a good eye there sir." I hear someone say to my left. Already have known where he was, I stay staring at the Flomantis without budging.

-Do you want to come with me?- I ask it. The squirming Flomantis, suddenly stops and looks at me curiously.

-Food- It says without elaborating. Hearing this I made my decision. I don't think Dawn ever caught a grass type Pokemon and this would suit her a lot. Not sure what excuse should be though, I'll think about it tomorrow.

"How much?" I simply asked. There guy and I ended up striking up a deal for a decent amount of money. I might of been charged a little overprice, but money isn't the problem right now.

"Take this Pokeball to catch it." He tells me.

"It's fine, I'll just carry it." I refused. The man getting a confused look doesn't question further and grabs his keys. The guy walking up to the cage, opens it. Seeing that Flomantis was now "free", I picked the poor guy up and fed him some food.

"Flo flo." It squeals at being able to eat. Seeing its pitiful state, I start to envelop it into my embrace and walk off.

-You'll be okay, just give me a second- I tell it. Flomantis just enjoying the high quality food, just stays in my arms without any complaints.

'Cute.' I thought while hugging the little guy, or girl. I know how to tell most Pokémon's genders, but a Flomantis is out of my field of knowledge.

Walking up to the "rich" or refined section of the place, I start to look around. Almost half the stands and stores sell Pokemon, but I don't want the Pokemon that look abused. For now though, I'll search for Pokemon later which is after the auction.

Finding a store that piqued my interest, I enter the place. It was a pretty luxurious looking place with a design similar to the outside. This place sold Pokemon items, some items here I assume aren't meant to be sold.

"Welcome customer, if you need any help just ask!" I hear someone say. Nodding at them, I start to look around the store with Flomantis still chewing on Pokemon food.

'This looks nice.' I thought to myself. Looking over at a certain container, my eyes start to glimmer a little bit.

I was currently in the rocks section of the store, weird right? Things like evolution stones, shiny stones, and antique rocks were here. But something in particular was here at the moment.

A keystone/mega stone.

I'm not sure which one it is but I will need to buy it.

"Hello, can I get some help?" I ask the guy from before. The man hearing me, immediately walks over.

"Yes what can I do for you?" He asks. Quickly explaining if he had any other stones like this, he got a questioning look. He might think I'm crazy or something, mega evolution isn't a thing yet after all.

The only people who know about mega evolution from my knowledge is a family from Kalos. That family also owns the fighting type gym there.

"We have three other stones like this sir." He responds. Hearing this I get a giddy feeling, soon after I bought four stones. I could be wrong on this, but they didn't cost me much anyways.