She got up early to iron his suits.

After ironing his suits, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for both of them.

She said to herself while preparing breakfast, "I hope he doesn't refuse this.

"He's such an asshole."

She placed his breakfast on the table and sat down to eat her own.

"Good morning.

"Did you finish ironing my suits?" he asks as he walks down the stairs.

She responded, "They're over there."

He walks into the living room, takes his suit, and heads up the stairs.

She said to him, "I made you breakfast."

He responded, "Thanks, but I'm not hungry."

He walked up the stairs.

She said, "Suit yourself bitch.


"I'm not doing this shit again."

She ate his breakfast and finished it.

She then began cleaning and washing the dishes.

Before he left, she asked him, "Are you mad at me?"

He responded, "Why should I be?"

She rolled her eyes.

He said, "Anyway, I'll be home late, so don't prepare anything for me."

He walked away, and she entered the kitchen to get her phone.

She went upstairs and took a tour around the house.

She began cleaning down the tables and organizing everything.

She walked past his room and saw that the door wasn't locked, so she peered inside.

"Damn, this master bedroom is bigger than my entire house!" she said.

She looked around his bedroom.

She video-called her sister to show her as they laughed and spoke.

She glanced around as they talked.

She saw a big golden vault that caught her attention.

Her eyes widened as she stepped closer to it and noticed it wasn't closed.

The vault is the size of a closet and contains billions of dollars.

She said to Kathy, "Holy fuck!


"I'll have to call you later."

She hung up the phone as she examined the vault.

"Who the fuck keeps all their money at their house?

"Okay, I know this place is well secured with lots of guards but still!

"Why would he even leave this open?"

She closed and said, "This son of a bitch is nuts."

She then exits the room, closing the door behind her.

She was exhausted from cleaning and tidying the house, so she went to her room to take a bath.

She got in the tub and relaxed.

Her phone suddenly rang, and she answered it.

It was one of her girls.

She asked, "How did you get my number!?"

The girl responded, "I asked Kathy, now that's not important.

"I called to tell you there's another new club, and we're partying tonight, so we're looking forward to seeing you."

She wondered about Dominique and responded, "Well, I'll see y'all there.

"Send me the location."

After hanging up, she checked the location and said, "I need this to clear my head.


"He said he'll be back late, so I guess I can spend some time out and return before he does."

She stepped out of the tub and wrapped herself in a robe.

She walks to her room and looks through her clothes, but all she brought was t-shirts, crop tops, and baggy jeans.

She said, "I don't have any party clothes, but I can grab one on my way.

"I just need to get ready and leave."

She had a nap and awoke just in time to head to the club.

Alayna got ready, collected her money, and left the house.

She informed one of his guards that she was going grocery shopping, so he let her go without questioning her.

She walked out to take a cab back to the city.

After a while, she arrived at her favorite clothing store.

Miss Murpheen, the owner, was excited to see her.

"Alayna! How have you been dear?

"It's good to see you."

Alayna hugged her and said, "I've been busy.

"I've decided to party with the girls, so I need something sexy this time."

Murpheen smiled and said, "I have a perfect dress for partying!

"Come with me."

She follows Murpheen to the changing room and chooses a dress.

She puts on a lilac halter bodycon dress that Miss Murpheen chose.

"Oh wow!" murpheen said as she exited the changing room

"This looks fantastic on you!

"Your cleavage and curves will pull you into a man tonight."

She chuckled as she placed her clothing in a bag and handed it to Murpheen.

She exits after paying for her outfit and goes to the club.

It was dark when she arrived, and her girlfriends were waiting for her at the club entrance.

They were overjoyed to see her, and one of the girls remarked, "You look fucking gorgeous!

"I get excited whenever I see this side of Ali rather than the street dancer."

Alayna laughed as she greeted the females one at a time and then entered the club.

The club was getting packed, so the girls went up to order their drinks.

They chose a table and sat while they spoke and drank.

Delicia said, "Ali, what's up with you and that guy?"

The girl's added to her question, "Yeah! Who's him?"

Alayna responds, "He's just someone I met after our battle, that night at the club."

Delizia responded, "Yeah? "He's hot AF!

"He looks wealthy."

One of the girls said, "He's giving off the Mafia daddy vibes."

Lucy added, "He seems like he's good in bed, don't you agree girl?"

Alayna responded, "You guys are so weird!"

They all laughed as they began drinking.

She said to them, "Come on, let's have some fun because I have to be back by 10 p.m."

Delicia asked, "Why?

"Isn't Kathy watching Darla?"

"Come on!

"Don't be a spoilsport!

Alayna responded as all the girls looked at her, "I'm not staying at my place.

"I'm looking after my aunt's house out of town, so I shouldn't be out partying, but I'd never allow you girls to have fun without me!"

They stood up and proceeded to the dance floor.

The females cheered and drank even more.

"I'll be back before 10," Alayna told herself.