Ch.7 — GodFall Continent (Updated)

The meeting continued for a few hours, during which they decided on whose temples they were going to fix and who to let out amongst other things.

In the end, three 5th tribulation immortals, and seven 6th tribulation immortals were selected. There was even one 4th tribulation immortal selected, she was in fact one of the wives of one of the grand elders. However, no one complained, as this woman was indeed strong. She has a domain formed from 4 laws, Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. This woman could compare to some 6th tribulation immortals despite merely being a 4th tribulation immortal.

That's not counting her body cultivation which puts her comparable to some 7th tribulation immortals. Combined, she wasn't necessarily weaker than some weaker false deities who had worlds formed from a single element/law.

Overall, she was without a doubt a great asset to have, so no one minded. The other grand elders looked at the grand elder in question with jealousy and envy. They wished they could have such an outstanding wife to have offspring with, perhaps they would give birth to a dragon deity or 2. That would be the greatest honor they could get.

All dragons, wyverns, and drakes wished to give birth to strong children, and if their child was strong enough it could end up joining the legion of a dragon god-king which would be amongst the greatest honors imaginable for immortal dragons of this world.

Seeing the 2 elders were beginning to have lewd thoughts Reina cleared her throat. Just as she went to speak, the ancestor disappeared into a flash of light before quickly arriving back with a slimy baby dragon in its arms. Everyone was surprised but quickly understood.

"Another hatched?" Reina asked and the ancestor nodded silently.

"Which one of you wants to adopt this one?" The ancestor asked to which Amelia raised her hand immediately with excitement evident in her eyes.

With that, the ancestor handed the baby to her personally. "Take good care of it, it's our future."

She gleefully picked it from his arms "It's a girl too, I'll name her Yaling, Yaling Gold."

Everyone smiled, the baby seemed to like the name too. "This meeting is dismissed. You have your duties, go carry them out." Reina said.

Soon enough everyone left and Reina was rubbing her forehead. She was trying to think of how they could find an immortal and spirit vein. If they wanted to relocate, their new headquarters had to be built on top of an immortal vein and a spirit vein. Receiving tributes is good and all, but it isn't wise to rely on them. If they did, the moment those tributes stopped then they were done for.

"Are you worrying about the immortal and spirit veins we will need?" The ancestor asked and Reina nodded.

"Don't worry. I've been hoarding many peak-grade spirit springs and several 7th-grade immortal springs. Although moving them will set their development back by a few years, their already pretty close to becoming true veins so it won't be much of a problem. You just need to find a place suitable for them." He explained.

Reina suddenly had a thought. "Sir, you know human and elven sects right?"

The ancestor nodded before his eyes lit up, he thought he knew where she was going with this.

"Your saying transform the land as a sect does?" He asked and she shook her head confusing him.

"Your close." She responded. "I was wanting to use all of the Great Space Crystals and above we have to establish a demi-plane that's anchored to our world and develop it into a secret realm for us. We would of course fuse several spirit and immortal springs into it. This way we can stay hidden for a while." She explained.

Demi-planes are essentially independent spaces carved out within a layer of the void anchored to a world in true space. These spaces can vary in size depending on the kind of resources put into making them or the circumstances of their forming. However, all of them usually never evolve into a true independent world, and end up remaining anchored to their world of origin forever. However, these anchors can be destroyed. If that happens the people within that world might never return as the force of the anchors destruction would cause them to slowly drift through the void.

The farther they drift the less likely they could make it back through various means.

Thus it's not uncommon for people who make their own demi-plane to anchor them at multiple points within the world.

Demi-planes are often used as secret realms, holy lands, or inheritance grounds. The problem is they require space crystals and rare resources to even open, and more resources to stabilize and maintain.

"Effectively, I want to build a secret sect for anything born with dragon blood with a certain level of purity based within a secret realm. That secret realm would of course have more than 1 planar anchor so people cant banish us to the depths of the void." Reina continued causing the ancestor to frown.

"The number of space crystals needed to set up what you're talking about... is ludicrous." he said. Before Reina could reply though, Alexis who hadn't left yet spoke up.

"I can help with that. As of late, I can make grand space crystals with my mastery of space, time, and gravity laws." Alexis said causing both of them to look at her in surprise. Alexis was always a mystery, the clan didn't have clear records of her abilities simply because she was usually in seclusion or exploring the world.

So it was naturally unknown that she had a mastery over 3 heavenly laws.

"Seriously? How big can you make them? How many?" Reina asked.

"hmm... maybe 10 centimeters in diameter? and 3 of them a day. It's very draining though." Alexis responded stunning the 2 of them. "If I can get you to help me ancestor I can probably increase that to 5 to 7 a day. Unfortunately, to establish a stable demi-plane using them I would need help from someone experienced in it."

"I think I know where we can find someone who can help." The ancestor spoke after a moment, though he frowned.

"Is he an unsavory character?" Reina asked noticing this and the ancestor shook his head.

"No, but he's part of a pantheon of dragon deities in the Eastern Divine Continent." He said with a grimace. He really didn't like going to the Eastern Continent. That place was a nightmare, false deities grow like roses there. The eastern continent is the most fertile of the 4 divine continents, many divine herbs grow there. As such while false deities don't rise every day, on average 90% of the time there's a new false deity appearing every month. And it wasn't impossible for that number to grow to 3 or 4 in some cases.

That's not counting the untold number of beasts that reside in its large forests. Who knows how many immortal beasts have surpassed their limits and became false deities through the usage of special herbs on that continent? Furthermore, it wasn't hard to find true deities there either. The human true deities numbered in the hundreds of thousands after all. The Eastern Divine Continent is rated as both the 2nd most prosperous and the 2nd most dangerous continent in the world because of this. As such, the ancestor felt extremely uncomfortable going there.

"What's wrong with the eastern continent?" Reina asked, she had mostly been focused on her cultivation since her birth. She didn't want to worry about anything else back then. However, now that she was the matriarch she would have to begin learning.

"Let me put it like this, here on the 36 island continents, clans with false deities like us are normally the dragons amongst dragons. However, over there, it's merely the entry barrier. There are a few pantheons full of thousands of false deities and hundreds of true deities that actually exist on the Eastern Continent. Even I have to keep my head down on that continent. It's because of its danger that it's nicknamed Godfall Continent." The ancestor explained causing her eyes to go wide open in shock.

"Seriously?" She asked after a moment and the ancestor nodded gravely.

"I even got mugged by a group of false deities over there once." The ancestor explained as he recalled the terrifying eastern divine continent. That place was full of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and proud phoenixes, literally and figuratively.

"Maybe you shouldn't go there then… With all due respect, we can't afford to lose you." Reina said with worry causing him to smile.

"Relax, I won't be going deep into the Eastern Continent. The pantheon of the Artisan im talking about is a relatively small one, as such, they aren't far inland. Once I arrive at the closest port city it's just a 3 to 5 day travel." He explained, causing her to take a breath of relief. They really couldn't afford to lose him.

"Still, how will you get there?" She asked.


"Where are we going to set up the first anchor?" Alexis asked curiously.

"25th island, the martial beast fields." Reina replied. With that, they began making preparations to go there. The news was sent to the elders who all agreed it was a good move.