I will win with all I got

After resting for an hour everyone has gathered to the arena where the main event of the competition would be held.

so many contestants have gathered at the open field where the exam would take place in the open they were 15 battle stages on the field and they are about 20 examiners sitted at a corner 15 of them had a filtering bottle on their table.

After some minutes silence the leader of the mystic mist academy stood up from his chair and said this phase of the competition has three rounds, you will fight three times if you win all three rounds you will have the privilege to be selected Into one academy and you can change if you don't want the academy you are given the same goes for people who win two rounds also, they can select their choice also, why people who win once and the people who draw all three would get an admission to one of the academies but they won't be able to change, but if you are defeated in all three fight you won't have the chance to get into any academy.

"are you all prepared."

"yes everyone chorused".

"He said again let the contest begin"!

The examiners that all had filtering bottle on their table would shake it and two tags would fall on the table, the name on the tags would be called and they would contest against each other.

The contest started with two contestants on a stage and they are 15 battle stages so that a number of 30 people fighting at once the fights ended quickly some were already determined before they get on the stage already there is a fight were a elementary realm stage eight was to fight a disciple who have the cultivation of elementary realm stage six so some were determined already some or the fight were intense.

just like Xiao zhan first fight he was to fight a disciple with the cultivation base of the elementary realm stage six and he was at elementary realm stage nine so he ended the fight very fast without using his sword to fight at all because his fist got the job done for him.

so many people have had their first round of the fight including Xiao mei Xiao feng and everyone of the Xiao family and disciples from the remaining eleven royal families like Jiang ke Zhang huanyu yin pei yang biluo Gu wenxin and the rest have fight apart from yang Xiao lu tao and Xiao fan.

soon after two more batches have finished Fighting their names were called, Xiao fan got on the stage and his opponent was a warrior at the elementary realm stage seven he talked lightly I have to end this fast am sorry.

After his words he removed his sword from it scabbard very fast that you could barely see him doing it he waved his sword on the air twice very fast and waved it towards his opponent using his plum jade sword play third level which contains 45 percent of his power the attack went with speed and hit his opponent all happened in a flash so his opponent could not dodge nor defend the attack, a boom sound was heard as Xiao fan opponent could be seen lying on the floor the attack was smooth and accurate and It was targeted at his chest, the guy was puking blood even the examiner in charge of their and the rest were in a daze and were looking like they couldn't believe what happened they knew Xiao fan have better odds in winning because of his cultivation level but they were surprised by the speed and power of the attack.

The examiner recollected himself and shouted pass Xiao fan got down from the stage went back to his position and waited for his next fight soon the first round after 2 more batches and the first round ended and the second round started immediately.

The second round went swiftly this time Xiao fan name was called quickly after about 5 batches his name was called he went on the stage his opponent has a cultivation base of the elementary realm stage eight stronger than the first opponent, his opponent swung his fist at Xiao fan immediately he got on the stage Xiao fan dodged right wards another fist attack was launched at Xiao fan he dodged again instead of waiting to be attacked he also swung his fist with both of his hands with the third level of the roaring tiger fist he aimed directly at his opponent which could barely defend against the attack the moment the attack reached Xiao fan opponent he was sent flying and was puking blood in the blink of an eye Xiao fan removed his sword from it scabbard and reached the front of his opponent and place the sword on his neck the examiners were once again impressed and the examiner in charge of Xiao fan fight shouted pass he came down from the stage and stood in his place waiting for his last competition of the day the examiners were all impressed by the twelve royal families disciples performance especially the big shots among them soon everyone finished the second round and the third round begin Xiao yan was among the first batch of the third round his opponent is a warrior with the cultivation base of elementary realm stage eight (peak) being at the peak of stage 8 everyone thought Xiao yan who is a warrior at the elementary stage nine might have little problem dealing with his opponent but what happened was so different from their thoughts with only one sword move of his myriad ether sword arts his opponent was badly injured that he could not stand up he was injured internally and externally the examiner shouted pass he took his place and settle to look at the remaining contestants he has won all three rounds that he fought.

Soon it was Xiao fan turn he stood on the stage with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

He said to his opponent who is a elementary realm stage eight warrior let end this immediately he removed his sword from its scabbard and used the sixth level of his plum jade sword play to attack his opponent his opponent who already brought out his sword attacked to counter the attack from Xiao fan but the moment the attacks collided with each other Xiao fan opponent was thrown away by the force that Xiao fan attack carries his mouth was full of blood he couldn't stand up by himself and the family he belongs to sent two disciples to bring him back the examiner shouted pass Xiao fan left the stage and took his place and was watching the remaining contestants after so many batches have fought another fight caught people attention as the names of the people facing each other was called it was Xiao feng and Bai shan who has a cultivation base of elementary realm stage nine everyone was very happy to watch a fight between two top young figures from the twelve royal families, since it isn't a show one could get to witness everytime, everyone watched calmly.

Xiao feng walked to the battle stage and stood face to face with Bai shan and said calmly. "Bai shan have heard of you very well, you have a higher cultivation base than me am not afraid of you because I will use all I got to fight you."

"Bai shan said in that case I will not hold back also ".

The two of them brought their weapon Xiao feng is a sword artist and Bai shan is a blade artist a sword artist and a blade artist fight is a fight that people loved to watch Xiao feng brought out his sword and dashed towards Bai shan fearlessly like an angry tiger he attacks by swinging his sword towards Bai shan but Bai shan use his blade to defend against all attack from Xiao feng they both leaped up to the air and exchange moves they both landed on the stage and continue exchanging moves without using any martial skill Xiao feng was fighting on par with Bai shan like they both had the same cultivation base the way their weapon was clanging against each other cause light sparkles on the stage after exchanging moves for over 10 minutes they began using their martial arts Bai shan used his mountain slicing blade arts to attack Xiao feng Xiao feng dodge and the attack hit one the big stick used to block the stage the moment Bai shan attack touched the stick it turned to dust instantly Bai shan attacked Xiao feng again this time the attack was powerful than the previous one he swung his blade rashly at Xiao feng, Xiao feng who could not dodge this attack using his star cloud sword skill to counter the attack he retreated two steps backwards after welcoming Bai shan attack with his Star cloud sword skill.

Bai shan said you are really one of a kind to be able to defend against my mountain slicing blade arts with your level of cultivation base, but that attack is just a tip of an iceberg he waved his sword at Xiao feng again this time the attack is brutal and horrifying he waved the sword aiming at Xiao feng chest but Xiao feng used his star cloud sword skill to defend once again but this time he used the sixth level which has been perfected after the fight with Xiao zhan weeks ago he defended the attack once again but retreated eight big steps backwards and trace of blood could be seen in his mouth.

Xiao feng used the sixth level of the star cloud sword skill which he use to defend to attack while pressing his zhen qi with 60 percent of his energy to attack Bai shan, Bai shan raised his blade to block out the attack but he understimate the power of that attack, the force of the attack push him backwards for more than ten meters he use his blade to maintain his balance by digging it on the floor of the stage, though he was not wounded but he felt numbness In his body.

He said Xiao feng I admire you, you almost pushed me to my limit now that you have done that have a taste of me.

he jumped up and shouted mountain slicing blade arts he swung his at Xiao feng with 80 precent of his power and attacked Xiao feng violently Xiao fan sensing danger from the incoming attack pushed his zhen qi with 70 percentage of his energy he countered the attack with the sixth level of his star cloud sword skill he was thrown away by the force of the attack from Bai shan he puked blood out and all his cloth was soaked in blood he also got injured internally.

Xiao feng said to himself I have to use my trump card or else he will defeat me badly while daydreaming Bai shan attacked again Bai shan always attack violently when fighting he used another level from his mountain slicing blade arts which exceeded the one he used before Xiao feng who knows that if he don't defend against this attack he might not be able to get out from bed for months still use his sixth level of the star cloud sword skill but with 80 percent of his energy though he managed to defend against the attack after being forced to retreat three steps backwards still couldn't help but puke blood again Xiao fan was already so afraid that Xiao feng might end up being badly wounded even if he win or loose.

but Xiao feng still had a trump card hiding "he leaped up and shouted I will use anything I got to fight you".

He used his star cloud sword seventh level to attack Bai shan the seventh level helps boost attack speed he used his seventh level of the star cloud sword skill Which carries a horrifying power and attacked Bai shan closely without much gaps which made the attack more effective Bai shan dodged it because he reacted quickly but Xiao feng who have planned his next move in case Bai shan dodge his attack, quickly jumped over Bai shan and repeated the seventh level of the star cloud sword skill he attacked accurately and targeted Bai shan shoulder and the attack injured Bai shan on his shoulder leaving a sword mark on his shoulder immediately after wounding Bai shan he jumped backwards and attack with his hidden trump card which is the eight level of the star cloud sword skill, he used all his strength and and pushed his zhen qi to the limit as he swung his sword violently at Bai shan the attack carries a horrifying power and hit Bai shan who was immediately thrown back like a bag of grains he vomited blood and felt numbness all over his body even Xiao feng couldn't help but puke blood not caring about his injury he walked forward and placed his sword on Bai shan neck and said I told you I will use all I have to fight you.

Bai shan said I admire you, you are really hard to deal with, I will come looking for you one day to claim my victory.

"Xiao feng answered sure I would always welcome you ". the examiner in charge of their fight shouted pass Xiao feng came down from the stage staggering Xiao fan quickly went by his side to support him "Xiao feng put on a smile and said brother fan thanks for your care".

After about 5 batches the exam came to an end the leader of the mystic mist academy stood up and told everyone to wait at the cloud mist city for their admission fate, everyone rest at the cloud mist city before three days everyone will know their fate I wish you all good luck and have a nice stay at the cloud mist city.