Exiting the sky blade ridge with heavy injuries.

After shaking off the demonic hellhound "Xiao fan looked for a safe place to hide and recuperate from his injuries, I am already at the core areas in the inner part of the sky blade ridge I can't move around carelessly, I have to be very careful".

Xiao fan found a small cave and entered it, he began to circulate his inner qi using the Xiao family elementary gathering qi art, which every young children of the Xiao family learns, it is top notch among low level qi art.

"The injuries he suffered weren't light but the elementary gathering qi art efficiently worked in healing him fast, under two hours he was fully healed and have started restoring his wasted Zhen qi, after restoring his Zhen qi he brought out the remaining double headed scarlet python meat which he kept, he wolf it down alongside a jug of wine he took from his storage ring".

After resting and adjusting his mental strength, he left the cave and started moving out towards the outer part of the sky blade ridge, he got to a forest area after running for several hours he got on a tree to rest, from afar he saw a hidden cave that is surrounded by thick trees that shoot deep high in the sky which makes the cave very hard to detect, the cave is emitting some faint aura, Xiao fan soul force is very powerful which makes him have a very sharp perception, his soul power is equivalent to the soul force of a soul pound realm cultivator.

"Xiao fan nimbly moved towards the cave, he stopped when he was a few thousands meter close to the cave, he was been extremely careful in a place like this you might not know how you die if one isn't been careful enough", Xiao fan spread out his soul sense and checked the cave carefully he noticed that there was something emitting a deep aura in the cave.

"He entered the cave carefully, there was a basin filled with liquid in it, something shocked Xiao fan he saw different bones scattered in the cave, some bones even looked like it belongs to humans, this place is not simple at all who knows how this people met an horrible ending like this, let check this basin first.....Dragon QI infused water whattttt!!! This can never be the real deal even a true spirit realm warrior won't be able to bear the pressure, I have heard some elders talk about it this should be a diluted one". Diluted or not I will still collect it, he brought a porcelain bottle from his ring, he started collecting the dragon qi infused water into it, Xiao fan felt an aura locking onto him, he spread his soul sense out what he saw really shocked him, the dragon qi infused water in the porcelain bottle has not even reached half, he kept the bottle in his ring, unsheathed his sword swung at a direction in the cave the wall blasted open a big hole he flashed out in an instant, an oppressive aura locked onto him... A silver eyed wolf at the rank 4 beasts level was pursuing him, it seems like the cave is where the wolf resides, those bones scattered around should be its doings.

Xiao fan did not have anything in mind other than to run, this silver eyed wolf is too terrifying, a late soul pound realm cultivator might not have a chance against it, talk less of him, if I use my every move to deal with it, I will still lose my life here, Xiao fan increased his speed more but the silver eyed wolf is worthy of been a rank 4 beast it closed the gap more and more, Xiao fan increased his speed again using the golden swallow movement art first level, he was running very fast but it is not enough to widen the gap between him and the silver eyed wolf, the wolf increased it speed even more shortening the distance and attacked with a claw attack, Xiao fan was blown away hundreds of meters waaah! blood poured out from his mouth, he hurriedly use the distance between them as an advantage and ran forward hurriedly, the injury he sustained was much more heavy than the one he had while fighting the demonic hellhound, only one attack of this silver eyed wolf can make me this injured, "I am too weak, I am too weak Xiao fan roared, he was shouting at himself, I will increase my strength grately", he continue increasing his speed the silver eyed wolf closed the gap again, and attacked with an even more terrifying claw attack, this time xiao fan used his sword to block the attack he used the third movement of the cloud freedom art, which is currently his most powerful attack he has, still he was threw backwards, he crashed into several trees his injuries were now very severe, the distance between him and the silver eyed wolf is naw hundreds of meters apart, "good grief".... Xiao fan used his second level of the golden swallow art running frantically, the distance is now considerably far apart, the silver eyed wolf attacked with its claws, but the attack power had lessen before it got to Xiao fan he welcomed it with his sword waved backwards, he circulate his zhen qi and concentrated it on running which makes his speed increase drastically, the distance kept getting wider till the silver eyed lost Xiao fan.

Xiao fan did not reduce his speed he circulated his elementary gathering qi art to replenish his zhen qi, it was repairing his injuries but the rate is very slow, based on him running very fast, even his zhen qi was restoring slowly, the gathering qi art was just maintaining the consumption of the zhen qi he is burning, if not for his powerful body physicality he would have collapsed, he continues running towards the exit of the sky blade ridge.