Chapter 01 Tanzang Kingdom

In a faraway Country, there was a King who ruled his country with fear and torture. In this country, the rich are so rich, even their toilets are made from gold, but the poor were so poor, they sold their children for a bag of grain, even so, the evil King did not care or help his citizens. His citizens were dissatisfied with his ruling, and they called for heroes to overthrow the evil King.

Five good friends raised banners, leading soldiers, and the people to fight against the evil King. The battle was a success, when the evil king citizens and government officials happily opened the gate of the palace to welcome the heroes. They cut off the heads of the King and Queen and placed them on a spike outside of the palace. This is to remind the younger generation that doing evil deeds will not be ignored. The five friends divided the land equally. Each will rule their own Kingdom with their own policies.

These five kingdoms have lived in harmony for more than five hundred years, until the tenth king of Tanzang had a fierce war with his two neighboring Kingdoms. To this end, he forced neighboring Kingdoms to form a coalition against him. They forced the lonely king away from his hometown to an unknown place.

It was here, in this unknown land that he met with a group of mysterious people. The people are called Kakungga. The Kakungga people were protected by four hundred highly skilled mages. The tenth King of Tanzang and the leader of the Kukungga tribe knelt before Heaven and asked the Emperor of Heaven and his fellow Gods to be witnesses of their alliance.

Soon after the Kakungga tribe helped the tenth King of Tanzang, he conquered his homeland and gained more. The tenth King of Tanzang did not stop there. He moved on and conquered the entire northern atmosphere, and Tanzang became the largest kingdom with the greatest military force known to all. Many smaller Kingdoms were worried about their kingdom's fate, so the smaller Kingdoms decided to form alliances to overthrow the tenth King of Tanzang and put his head on the spike.

When the tenth King of Tanzang heard of the news, he was very upset, but the leader of Kakungga tribe proposed a solution. The four hundred mages created the largest river surrounding his Kingdom. The tenth King of Tanzang built two large military bases at the end of the magic river. Those who wished to invade the Kingdom of Tanzang will have to go through one of the military bases. Many Kingdoms tried to invade Tanzang but failed to break through the indestructible military power of Tanzang. Many kingdoms also tried to cross the magic river but were never heard or seen again.

After the tenth King of Tanzang knew that his empire was secured from invasion, he began to fear the four hundred mages. With just a few words, the four hundred mages can create a magical river. His fear and selfishness caused him to commit the greatest crime known to mankind.

During the fifth year of their alliance, the tenth King of Tanzang ordered his army and captured the Kakungga people. He took the Kakungga hostages and forced the four hundred mages who had helped him conquer his empire into the enchanted river they created to save him. The four hundred mages drowned themselves in the river. They died holding a grudge against the tenth King of Tanzang. Then one group at a time, the soldiers forced the Kukungga people into the river. Those that refused were killed and thrown into the river. The river turned red as bodies of innocent Kakungga floated next to each other.

The tenth King of Tanzang wants to kill every single Kakungga, but the cries of innocents soften the soldiers' hearts. The soldiers kneeled on their knees and refused to continue killing the Kukungga people. They begged their King to spare the innocent. He doesn't want his soldiers to lose faith in him, so he agreed on one condition, that the Kakungga people can never practice sorcery. Whoever practices sorcery in Tanzang Kingdom will be executed including the person's entire family.

In fear for their lives and their children's lives, the Kakungga people stopped practicing sorcery and after the elders' generation were long dead, the new generation were normal citizens of Tanzang and claimed themselves as Tanzanie. They have no idea that they were once a mystic being with great power.

After he destroyed the Kukungga people, the tenth King of Tanzang called himself 'King of the living'. During his twenty years of ruling Tanzang, Tanzang Kingdom has become the richest country of all the land. He robbed his neighboring kingdoms with threats of war for heavy tax. In fear of their wealth and safety of their own kingdom, they move away further and further down south, leaving the lonely king behind.

One day, the tenth king of Tanzang walked into the monastery of the emperor of heaven and destroyed the emperor of heaven worships statue and in its place, he built his own statue and he announced and placed himself as equal to the Emperor of Heaven. In anger, the emperor of heaven created a black hole with a dark energy force to destroy Tanzang Kingdom, but many Gods and fairies begged the Emperor of Heaven to show mercy to the innocent people, but that has not softened the emperor of heaven's heart.

After the formation of the dark hole, after several generations, the gods and fairies witnessed and heard the screams of innocent people, so they decided to ask the Emperor of Heaven to break his spell.

Inside the heavenly court, the Emperor of Heaven sat on a silver throne, looking at the gods and fairies. He knew that since the black hole was created with his flesh and blood, it was impossible for him to destroy it.

The Emperor of Heaven sighed heavily, and said, "I cannot destroy what has been created."

Gaia stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, there is only one bad rice in the rice bag. Do you want to throw away all the rice in that bag?"

The Goddess of Nature begged, "Although the former kings of Tanzang were cruel and ruthless, the kings who rule Tanzang today, rule the land with peace. Please have mercy on those innocent people who have done nothing wrong."

The God of Thunder pleaded, "Your Highness, Tanzang has suffered a lot these years. Your Highness only allows thunder and rain once a year, making life extremely difficult for innocent people. I know this is part of their ancestors' punishment, but if it continues like this, Your Highness is as cruel as the Tenth King, letting innocent people bleed, just using different methods."

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the gods and fairies. He sighed, "When I created the black hole, I cursed with a magic that no one in this world can destroy this black hole. For this reason, I can neither destroy it nor remove the curse."

The Four Seasons God looked at the gods in the hall and said, "So, we just need to find someone who is as strong as his highness, and let that god add another curse to my highness."

The Emperor of Heaven thought for a while and said, "The God of Four Seasons is right."

The God of nature said, "Among the gods and fairies, who else's strength can be compared with His Highness?"

The God of Thunder said, "Gaia is the mother of all things. She can place a second curse on top of His Highness."

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Gaia and said, "I will leave this matter to you." He stood up and walked down the stairs. "My gods, as the supreme celestial emperor, I am at the mercy of my pride. I will reflect on my mistake before the Buddha for fifteen days."

After the meeting, Goddess of Mercy, God of Thunder, and Gaia stood in the stairwell of the Heavenly Court. God of thunder asked, "How do we find people who are not of this world?"

Gaia said, "The Emperor of Heaven used the hatred of the souls of the Kukungga people to create the dark hole. If there is a Kukungga who is willing to help, the hatred in the black hole can be reduced and the dark energy will be weakened."

The God of Natural asked, "It will be very difficult to find the true blood Kukungga all thanks to the tenth King."

Coming out from behind the gods, the goddess of beauty came and said, "I have a perfect vessel for you, he is the true blood Kukungga."

The Goddess of Nature turned and asked, "Really?"

The Goddess of Beauty smiled and said, "This person's soul has been destroyed, but his vessel is still in perfect shape."

Gaia said, "We can replace the soul inside the vessel and help fetch the white dragon tail to purify the land."

The goddess of beauty giggled and said, "Gai...You will have to find someone who shares the same first breath as him, unless his body repels the soul." She walked past the gods. "Even if you find someone who shares the same first breath with him, the individual might not be willing to share the fate as the empty vessel." She turned around and looked at the gods that stood behind her. "The Emperor of Heaven cursed the ugly land of Tanzang, why you gods and fairies are trying so hard to help it from extinction. They deserve everything that is happening to them." She left with the other gods and fairies.

Gaia said, "I'll see what I can do. Mortal years are shorter than here. I'm going to travel to the black hole and place my curse."

The Goddess of Mercy smiled, and said, "Gaia, where there are living beings, there will always be someone who can break the spell."

Gaia looked at her fellow gods and said, "I'll be back soon to let you know who I found."

Goddess of Mercy, "Best of luck."

Gaia suddenly appeared in front of the black hole. Gaia slid her right thumb over the tip of her middle finger, and a drop of blood dripped into the black hole. She cursed, "I am Gaia, the mother of all creation. With this drop of blood, I cursed that a soul who is not of this world, willing to sacrifice without regret, can destroy this black hole that was created by the Emperor of Heaven's flesh and blood."

The black hole suddenly lit up, and the light illuminated the entire northern atmosphere. The citizens of Tanzang looked up at the night sky with their mouths open and whispered to each other.

"What's that?"

"What's happening?"

The night watchmen guarding the palace were stunned by the lights in the dark night sky. The night watchmen wondered if they were under attack from some unknown enemy.

A young soldier and an older man stood among the night watchmen, silently watching the light with puzzled faces. They could see that the night watchmen were as frightened and confused as they were.

U-ri looked up at the night sky and said, "The star array is changing direction."

Yul tightly held the hilt of the sword at his waist, looked at U-ri and asked, "What do you mean?"

U-ri's expression sank, and he said with a heavy heart, "Tanzang will encounter many difficulties in the future."

Yul stepped forward and said loudly, "Light the flame."

Guards, "Yes, captain."

"Hold your ground," Yul ordered.

Soldiers, "Yes captain."

U-ri worriedly asked, "Captain Bayarmaa, are we under attack?"

Yul sighed and said, "Just a precaution." He looked at U-ri, then up in the bright sky. "But if we do come under attack, it's something I've never seen before."