Chapter 12 Unwanted

(Past Life)

Hajime was standing outside an unknown house, carrying a backpack and a small duffel bag. Although Hajime was only six years old, he was already very mature for his age. He wasn't sure why he was standing here, but when his mother sent him away, she just told him that he would be living with his father from now on.

Hajime stood outside until late at night, when a pregnant woman walked towards the house holding the hand of a two-year-old boy.

Ichika smiled at Hajime and asked, "Hmm... are you looking for someone?"

Hajime said, "I'm looking for Hinode-san."

Ichika asked, "Why are you looking for him?"

Hajime said, "He is my father."

Ichika's face turned pale like a ghost. "Aren't you supposed to be with your mother?"

Hajime said, "She asked me to get out of the car and told me to stay with papa from now on."

Although Ichika didn't like Hajime here or to live with them, but she didn't want to leave a bad image in front of her husband, so she invited Hajime into the house.

When Ichika handed a glass of juice to Hajime, Hajime was sitting in the living room. He took the glass of juice, drank quietly, and watched Ichika feed the two-year-old toddler.

It was late at night when Asa got home. When he walked into the living room, he was surprised to find Hajime there. He smiled and ran towards Hajime quickly.

Asa asked, "What's the matter? Why are you here?"

Hajime looked at Asa and said, "Mother said, I will stay with you from now on."

Asa sighed and smiled at Hajime, he asked, "Have you eaten?"

Hajime nodded.

Asa smiled and said, "You sleep on the sofa tonight. Papa will call your mother tomorrow to see what she wants, okay?"

Hajime nodded.

Asa gently stroked Hajime's head and kissed him good night. "Should I leave the light on?"

Hajime said, "It's all right. I don't like sleeping with the light on."

Asa smiled and turned off the light and walked upstairs.

After a while, Hajime heard the conversation between Asa and Ichika.

Ichika asked, "Are you really planning to let him stay here?"

Asa said, "He is my son, and I will not abandon him."

Ichika said, "You know why your ex-wife decided to let your son live with us. She wanted to be able to come and see you and involve herself in our family activities, claiming she did it for her son, and we clearly know that's not true. She left Hajime in your care for three years, then come back and want to live with you again. Sorry, I can't let your ex-wife into my family life. I won't let her bad habit affect my kids... I know it's hard for you, but now is your time to make a decision."

Asa said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Give up your parental rights and stop contacting them. This is the only way to get rid of your ex-wife," Ichika said.

Asa said, "I can't just abandon Hajime like this...he is my son."

"You have one at home and another one is on the way," Ichika said.

Asa said, "Let's talk about it later."

Ichika said madly, "You are always like this." She got out of bed and went into her son's bedroom, leaving Asa sleeping on the bed alone.

The next morning, it was almost noon when Asa woke up, and he didn't see Ichika and Danno. He went downstairs and found Hajime sitting on the porch outside. He went into the kitchen to make lunch. He took out his mobile phone and called Ichika, but Ichika didn't answer. He knew that Ichika must have been mad of what happened last night.

Asa walked into the living room and said happily, "Hajime-kun…"

Hajime turned around and saw Asa smiling at him.

Asa said, "Hajime-kun, it's time for lunch." He bent down and hugged Hajime in his arms. "Wow... you need to eat more. You're so skinny. You're lighter than your brother." He put Hajime on the chair opposite him. "Let's eat…Thanks for the food." He smiled at Hajime.

Hajime picked up his chopsticks and looked at Asa. He said, "Papa… can you take me to my mother's house after lunch..."

Asa smiled and said, "You can stay here. I'll call your mother."

Hajime knew it was a lie. "I prefer to stay with my mother," Hajime lied. In fact, he wanted to stay here with his father. He misses his father terribly, but he knows that if he stays here, he will ruin his father's good life. "When mama comes home drunk, no one takes care of her."

Hearing Hajime's words, Asa's heart was broken. "Let's go meet your mother first and see what she wants." He said with a smile.

When they arrived at the small, old apartment, Hajime sat outside the small apartment, while Asa walked into the house to talk to Aimi. Hajime could hear his parents arguing inside the house. Where he currently lived, the town is safe. Although the place where he lived looked a bit dilapidated, it was small and safe area to be out alone. So, he decided to sit outside the apartment and wait for his father and mother to figure things out. He didn't want to hear what his mother had to say to his father, and he didn't want to hear what his father had to say to his mother. He tried to turn his attention elsewhere, but the voices in the apartment still drew his attention back to their heated conversation.

Asa looked at Amy and said angrily, "You said you would take care of him, why did you send him to my house suddenly?"

Aimi yelled, "He's your fucking son too. If you can take care of that bitch's son, then you can take care of Hajime. Why do I have to put up with Hajime all by myself?"

Asa said, "You need to stop drinking and be a mother to your son. Don't leave him again, you'll leave him with a scar."

Aimi roared, "Whose fault, is it? You're the one who cheated with that bitch and left us behind. If you hadn't cheated, this wouldn't have happened to our perfect family." She grabbed a tissue box from the counter and threw it at Asa. "If anyone left a scar on Hajime, then that person is you."

Sitting outside the room, Hajime covered his ears and whispered, "Stop... please stop." He closed his eyes. "Leave me alone…please stop it."

Asa suddenly yelled, "Perfect family? Who are you trying to fool, huh? Don't blame me or Hajime for your problems. You are your own problems. It's you!" He pointed his finger at Aimi. "It's you who left us behind, because you can't leave your single life behind. It's you who party every night and didn't fulfill your duty as a wife and mother. Don't blame me for cheating."

Asa is about to leave when Aimi grabbed his shirt. "You can't go, I haven't finished talking yet," Aimi roared.

Asa pushed Aimi away from him, and said frantically, "I'm done with you. Don't come to my house again."

When Asa slams the door in front of Aimi, Aimi loses it, and she starts screaming and smashing anything she can get her hands on. Asa saw Hajime sitting on the doorstep, and he bent down to sit with Hajime. "If your mother yells at you, don't talk back. Be good and take good care of her. Remember to study hard. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

Hajime nodded.

Asa took out all the cash in his wallet and handed it to Hajime. He smiled and said, "Wait until your mother calms down before going in."

Hajime nodded.

Asa looked at his innocent son, his heart was seriously hurt, but he had to leave Hajime behind for the sake of his other son and his wife. He kissed Hajime's forehead. "Papa will come to see you when I'm not busy," Asa said. He stood up and walked slowly down the stairs.

Hajime watched Asa walk down the stairs step by step. His heart screamed, 'Papa, please don't leave me... Papa, please don't leave me… please take me with you… I promised I will be a good boy… I will not cause trouble for you… Papa… please don't leave me."

Asa walked to the bottom of the stairs and looked up at Hajime again. He smiled and waved to Hajime.

Hajime was still standing in the stairwell when the door of his mother's apartment slammed open. Aimi walked quickly to Hajime's side. She asked angrily, "Where's your bastard father?"

Hajime said, "Papa has already left."

Aimi slapped Hajime across the face and yelled at Hajime. "Your worthless piece of shit… you can't even make your father stay. How worthless?" She dragged Hajime inside the apartment and shut the door. She continued to curse. "How do you look so much like your bastard father? I hate you; I hate him. I hate you... I hate you! "

"Mama, stop it," Hajime cried. "Please stop, the water is cold…"

Aimi continued to spray Hajime for about thirty minutes, and then when she looked at Hajime's petite body dangling in the corner of the bathroom, she finally regained control of herself. She put down the shower head and felt so wrong for what she had done. When she has her blackout episode, she hates herself for what she had done during the time when her inner monster woke up.

"I…I… I need to take my medicine," she said blanky, turning off the water, and then walked out of the bathroom, leaving Hajime in the bathroom.

Hajime sat in the bathtub, his whole body was wet, he heard Aimi cursing at Asa and Ichika. Hajime hugged his knees tightly, buried his face in them, and wept softly.