Chapter 38 Red Winter Part 4

Inside the small tent, the atmosphere was even more eerie. Although Haneul has always favored Sukh and always let Sukh have his way, but Sukh knows that Haneul never draws a line between them when he talks about their relationship. Sukh has always known that he is the slave and Haneul is the master. He loves Haneul, he has admitted it a long time ago, but his love for Haneul is a love behind closed doors. On the other hand, Haneul has a different view of their relationship from Sukh. Haneul has publicly expressed his affection for Sukh. Haneul has the audacity to publicly punish those who dislike Sukh or have ill will towards Sukh.

Staring at Haneul who sat there staring angrily at Suk. Sukh sighed and walked over to Haneul. "Why are you here? Does the capital know that you are here?"

Haneul said, "This land is mine. I can go anywhere I want." He stared at Sukh frantically, then stood up to face Sukh. "I ordered you to go back to the capital, you didn't take it seriously, did you?"

Sukh said, "I will obey your orders this time."

Haneul said, "I'll give you a chance to tell the truth in front of me, and if you don't tell the truth to me, don't say I didn't give you a chance to prove yourself." He paused for a moment, studying Sukh's face. "Have you ever hidden anything from me?"

Sukh sighed and said, "I haven't kept anything that would affect your ruling of this kingdom."

"Sukh!" Haneul rushed forward and grabbed Sukh's collar, swung his right hand towards Sukh's face, but stopped just when he was about to hit Sukh's face. He pushed Sukh back angrily. "Remember to come back before dawn tomorrow, or your whole family will be executed, and I will start with your personal maid."

Haneul walked towards the door and Sukh grabbed his right hand. "Why are you so persistent this time?" He asked.

Haneul forcibly pulled his hand away from Sukh and said, "This King don't need to answer your question." He walked out of the door angrily.

Sukh sighed, watching Haneul on the horseback and rode away with his personal guards, he suddenly felt pain in his heart. Since they have known each other for many years, every time they parted ways, Haneul would kiss and smile at him, and not once, Haneul would leave him feel unwanted, but this time is different.

Sukh walked back and sat down, writing his last order. After he finished writing the order, he put the bamboo scroll on the table. "Man," he called.

A young soldier rushed into the tent quickly. "General." The young soldier knelt on one knee.

Sukh said, "Take this to General Qadan." He stood up and walked to the soldier. "Also, I was recalled to the capital, and General Qadan will take my place in the future."

The young soldier took the bamboo scroll and quickly left the tent.

Sukh began packing his personal belongings, knowing that, now that Haneul had been so lukewarm about his return requests, he would most likely not return to patrol the southern border. He believed his cousin Qadan would do well in his place. He grabbed the bag, jumped on his horse rushed out of the barracks, and north to the capital.

When Sukh returned to the capital, the sun had already set, and a faint light could be seen from a distance. Taking advantage of the opening time of the city gate, he rode his horse through the city gate. He slowly rode back to his home and found that his house was completely dark and quiet.

Sukh jumped off the horse and walked into the mansion, just as he thought the house was empty, the personal maid greeted him.

"My lord," the maid said. "Welcome home."

Sukh asked, "Why is everything so quiet and there are no lights?"

The maid said, "Your friend had order me not to light up any light in the house."

Sukh asked, "Is he still here?"

The maid said, "No, my lord. Your friend is not here, but he came this afternoon. Your friend said you must attend this morning's meeting."

Sukh asked, "How is the rest of the family?"

The maid said, "Everyone is healthy."

Sukh said, "Prepare water and new clothes for me. I will attend today's meeting."

The maid bowed and said, "Yes, my lord."

It was still very early, and many ministers standing in the meeting room were a little surprised to see Sukh coming to today's meeting. Everyone didn't know that Sukh had returned to the capital. Since the last incident, they thought Sukh have returned to the southern border.

"Great Grand General, we didn't know you were back."

"Yeah, we are happy to see you today."

"Since you have returned to the capital, today's meeting must be very important."

"Do you know the content of today's meeting?"

"No, I just arrived this morning," Sukh said.

Entering through the side door, Haneul walked in, staring at the ministers under him. He sat down on the chair, and the ministers in the room greeted him respectfully.

"Rise," Haneul said. Haneul finds Sukh standing behind the second person of the last role. "Let's start."

The ministers presented their ideas and concerns to Haneul. After a two-hour meeting. Haneul asked, "Anyone else want to say anything?"

The ministers were silent.

Haneul said, "This is your last chance to speak your mind before I announce my agenda." He paused, and the many ministers in the room remained silent. "Alight, we have an announcement to make. The first announcement is that we have elected a queen." He looked at Sukh's unchanging expression, which made him even angrier.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." All the ministers said in unison.

Haneul said, "Secondly..." He looked at Sukh again. "Not long ago, we learned that our Great Grand General of Tanzang agreed to marry the eldest daughter of Chief Keme."

"Whoa," the ministers exclaimed.

Sukh suddenly understands why Haneul was angry, and threatened him by calling, forcing him to return to the capital. He raised his head and met Haneul's ferocious eyes.

Haneul smirked, "Since our Great Grand General and Chief Keme have sworn an oath and completed the deal, we will give him a royal wedding."

All the ministers in the room looked at Sukh and said, "Congratulations… Great Grand General Bayarmaa."

Haneul said, "After the general gets married, we will announce which concubine will become the Queen of Tanzang." He smiled mocking at Sukh, because he saw the sudden change of expression on Suk's face when he talked about Suk's dirty secret. "If anyone has nothing else to discuss with us. You may all be dismissed." He stood up and walked out through the side door with his servants.

The many ministers turned their heads to look at Sukh and congratulated one after another.

Minister Choi walked up to Sukh and said, "His Majesty told me to thank you personally. It was because of your wise words that His Majesty did not imprison or behead me. I really deserved those twenty back stokes."

Minister Lee said, "Thank you, Great Grand General. We will not miss your wedding."

Sukh said, "We are subjects of the imperial court. We have the responsibility to serve His Majesty and not to be prejudiced against other ministers. I hope that the ministers punished by His Majesty will not take it to heart. His Majesty just does not like conflicts in the court."

Minister Choi said, "No, His Majesty is right to punish us."

After the ministers left, Sukh went to Haneul's bedroom chamber. He went to explain the reason why he agreed to marry Chief Keme's daughter, but just when he arrived outside of Haneul's royal chamber, the giggles and laughter of women from inside Haneul's royal chamber made him turn around and leave.

As he walked alone down the long corridor surrounded by high concrete walls, he suddenly remembered the day he had gone to ask Chief Keme to help Haneul take back his kingdom.


Chief Keme looked at Sukh and said, "If you ask me to help you regain the kingdom and let you inherit the throne, I will not hesitate."

Sukh asked, "What's the difference between helping His Highness and me? The throne is rightfully his."

Chief Keme said, "Young man, you should know him best. He is a man of calculation, only looking out for his own interests."

Sukh said, "He is still young. If we give him good advice, he will become a very good king. His Majesty, although he is usually crusty, but deep down inside, he is very gentle."

Chief Keme said, "If he is a good of a King as you say, why should he be exiled from his own kingdom."

Sukh said, "He was young, and he had no support in court. His position was passed to him and that's why he didn't win the minister's support in court." He looked at Chief Keme. "With the help of you and your mages, His Majesty can regain his throne. Besides, your tribe has moved from one place to another and has no home of its own; make Tanzang your new home and the future home of your descendants."

Chief Keme said, "I am afraid that one day when your king no longer needs us; he will get rid of us without hesitation."

Sukh said, "I swore I would not allow this to happen as long as I was alive."

Chief Keme said, "Promises are empty words, I need effective security."

Sukh asked, "Which effective securities are you referring to?"

Chief Keme said, "You will become a member of the Kakungga tribe through marriage. Only then can I have peace of mind and dedicate my time and energy to your king." He sighed and stared at Sukh. "So, what is your decision, young man?"

Sukh looked at Chief Keme and said, "As long as Chief is willing to help His Majesty regain the throne, I can agree to anything, even if it means sacrificing my life."

Chief Keme sighed, "Tell me, why do you treat such a person with so much respect?"

Sukh smiled brightly and said, "Because of a bowl of rice."

(End of memory)