Chapter 40 Red Winter Part 6

Haneul and Chief Keme were sitting in a luxurious carriage, in front of them were four hundred mages and Sukh on horseback. Behind the carriage were five thousand soldiers.

The maid pours two cups of water, one to Haneul and the other to Chief Keme. Haneul lifted the curtain on the window. He called, "Great Grand General, come here."

Sukh turned his horse and rode beside the carriage. Haneul handed Sukh the cup of water in his hand. Sukh took the cup of water and drank it, then returned to the front of the carriage.

Chief Keme watched as the maid refilled the cup, and Haneul drank from the same cup that Sukh had just drank from. He said, "Many people said that His Majesty treated General Bayarmaa very well. I saw with my own eyes today that I no longer doubt their words."

Haneul smiled and said, "Because he treats us very well. We just repay his kindness to us." Haneul took a sip of water and put the cup on the table. "When we lost power within the courts; everyone abandoned us. Sukh was the only one who was always by our side in those dark days. He didn't abandon us when we were in trouble, so no matter what happens in the future we will not abandon him."

Chief Keme asked, "Did His Majesty ever ask General Bayarmaa why he is so loyal to His Majesty?"

Haneul looked at Chief Keme and said, "No, we never asked him. Even if we asked him, he wouldn't tell us the truth."

Chief Keme asked, "Without asking, does His Majesty have complete confidence in General Bayarmaa?"

Haneul said, "We trust him with our lives and the lives of our people."

Chief Keme said, "I once asked General Bayarmaa why he is so royal to His Majesty."

Haneul suddenly became excited. "Oh," he asked hastily. "What did General Bayarmaa say?"

Chief Keme said with a smile, "He said, his royalty to His Majesty starts with a bowl of rice."

Haneul could not remember which bowl of rice Sukh was referring to. Over the years, he has cooked countless dishes for Sukh. He smiled and said, "Oh...we don't remember."

"Sometimes what is worthless to one person can be priceless to another," Chief Keme said.

Haneul looked at Sukh's back and sighed. "We have to agree with Chief Keme on this point," he said with a laugh.

As the carriage drove through the beautiful forest, Chief Keme continued to watch Haneul's expressions towards Sukh.

When the group of soldiers and mages arrived at the southern border, the soldiers greeted them. Haneul, Sukh, and the Imperial Guard rest around the southern border camp while Chief Keme and the mages prepare to create the magical river.

Chief Keme continued to observe Haneul's attitude towards Sukh. After a day of observation, Chief Keme finally understood why the capital was only a day's walk away from the southern border.

Haneul asked, "Chief Keme, how long do the mages need to pray?"

Chief Keme said, "Seven days. After the seventh day, the river will flow from west to east. During these seven days, we can only wait for the mages to finish their work."

Haneul said, "So, this outpost is safe if it is left unattended?"

Chief Keme said, "After seven days, the thousand sentry posts by the river can be moved to the bases in the east or west."

Haneul said, "I'll discuss with the other generals and transfer the soldiers to the West Camp and East Camp."

Chief Keme said, "General Bayarmaa, come and talk to me after His Majesty finishes his patrol."

Sukh nodded.

Sukh accompanied Haneul to discuss with the generals and captains all day long. After discussing with the generals and captains for the day, Sukh knocked on the wooden pole twice before entering Chief Keme's tent, it was already late at night. "Chief," he said, standing by the door.

Chief Keme smiled at Sukh and said, "General, please come in and sit down."

Sukh walked into the room and asked, "Chief, what do you need?"

Chief Keme smiled and said, "I just want to chat with you." He poured Sukh a cup of water. "Come and sit." Sukh walked to the table and sat opposite Chief Keme. "Are you in a hurry?"

Sukh said, "No."

Chief Keme looked at Sukh and said, "His Majesty likes you very much."

Sukh said, "His Majesty and I have known each other since childhood, so he is more considerate to me than anyone else."

Chief Keme said, "His Majesty, he told me that you were there when he had nothing, and you did not abandon him, so no matter what happens next, he will not abandon you."

Sukh said, "I am a servant to the loyal court, and it is my duty to protect His Majesty." He sighed and looked at Chief Keme. "Chief, I want to talk to you about Zuni and my marriage."

Chief Keme said, "Speak freely."

Sukh said, "Back then, I promised you that I would marry Zuni as my wife when she became an adult, and His Majesty has already issued an announcement, but..."

Chief Keme said, "But you love other people."

Sukh said, "I don't think it's fair to Zuni. I'm afraid I'll let her down."

Chief Keme said, "I finally understand why you delayed marrying Zuni until now."

Sukh sighed and said, ""I'm sorry, I broke my promise to you, but I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will not do anything that will harm the Kukungga Tribe. I know the reason why you are afraid. You are afraid that once His Majesty takes the throne, His Majesty will treat your people badly, but as you can see, His Majesty has never treated anyone badly."

Chief Keme sighed and said, "I suspect it's because the elders have long foreseen that if our tribe serves any kingdom, it will be our end. You somehow convinced me to participate in the conquest of His Majesty's kingdom. His Majesty has proved He is very kind to everyone who lives in his land. Over the years, I have witnessed different races living equally in this magnificent kingdom, and I am very happy that our tribe has become a part of Tangzang history." He looked at Sukh. "Is there anything about Zuni that will convince you to change your mind and marry her?"

Sukh said, "I care about Zuni, but as a sister, not a lover. I extended our marriage because I didn't think it was fair for her to marry me, and I knew full well she wouldn't be happy."

Without asking Sukh to tell him who his lover is, Chief Keme has a good idea of ​who that person might be. Chief Keme asked bluntly, "His Majesty has great affection towards you. Do you feel the same?"

Sukh's heart trembled suddenly; his hidden secret had been exposed in the open. "Yes," Sukh replied with a trembling voice. "I… feel the same."

Chief Keme asked, "Just because of that bowl of rice?"

Sukh nodded, "Although it's a bowl of rice, when the person who received it is at the end of his road, that bowl of rice is worth more than a pot of gold."

Chief Keme smiled and said, "It would be nice if we met sooner... I would take you as my son with no hesitation."

Sukh said, "Now, you can still treat me as your son, I will not refuse."

"Sukh," Haneul said, standing at the door watching Sukh and Chief Keme. "Time for dinner."

Chief Keme stood up and said, "Your Majesty."

"We came to take General Bayarmaa to eat," said Haneul, looking at Sukh, then at Chief Keme. "What are the two are you talking about?"

Chief Keme said, "Your Majesty...we are talking about my adoption of my adopted son."

Haneul smiled brightly at Chief Keme, "Oh... who is the lucky one?"

Chief Keme smiled and said, "General Bayarmaa."

Hearing Sukh's name, Haneul suddenly became happy. If Sukh becomes chief Keme's adopted son, that means he doesn't have to marry Zuni. Haneul smiled and said, "You want to adopt General Bayarmaa as your adopted son?"

Chief Keme said, "Yes, Your Majesty, if His Majesty agrees."

Haneul said, "What about the marriage we announced?"

Chief Keme said, "I dare ask Your Highness to take back the imperial decree."

Haneul said, "We'll see what we can do."

Early in the morning, Sukh woke up inside Haneul's arms. While sleeping with Haneul, his body was as sore as ever, although his body was sore from lips to toes, but his heart was full of happiness that could not be expressed in words. He loves the sound of Haneul's soft breathing. He liked the way Haneul's breaths touched his forehead.

Haneul suddenly kissed Sukh's forehead, and asked, "You like to look at me so much, can you really replace this handsome face with the face of a woman?"

Sukh said, "I have my reasons?"

Haneul frowned, "Don't be angry in the morning." His arms around Sukh tightened. "Although I announced your marriage in court, you can still refuse. What is your reason for not refusing this proposal?"

Sukh said, "I can't."

Haneul asked, "Why? Or do you really like Chief Keme's daughter?"

Sukh said, "How could I? I will not like another person more than I liked you."

Haneul pinned Sukh under him and started kissing Sukh. "We've never enjoyed having sex with anyone, like we've enjoyed having sex with you." His hand slid across Sukh's members and down towards Sukh's back door.

Sukh quickly stopped Haneul's hand. "You have not had enough? we've done it five times...although you still have energy, but my bottom is sore."

Haneul smiled and continued to slide his hand down. "Odd numbers are unlucky numbers, even sex. I prefer even numbers." He pushed his fingers in deeper.

Sukh moaned. "Who said that…"

Haneul smiled and kissed Sukh's lips. "I said that…" he whispered. "My beloved general, it seems you are ready."