Chapter 43 Red Winter Part 9

Early in the morning, before the sun rose, Chief Keme and the head of the many families sat in a large circle. They start their day discussing how to subdivide small plots of land to build homes.

Chief Keme said, "Everyone can choose where you want to build your home."

One of the men sitting at the circle said, "It's a pity that many people don't want to come with us."

"Coercion is not allowed in the tribe. They have already found their own home, and it may not be convenient for them to move here." He looked at the men sitting beside him and found that most of them were middle-aged and elderly individuals. Chief Keme understands that the new generation may prefer the lives of ordinary Tanzanie rather than maintaining Kukungga's traditional way of life. "Whether they come or not, after all, we are still in the land of Tangzang, and His Majesty is kind to us. As good citizens of Tangzang, we must also fulfill our duties and responsibilities."

The men nodded in agreement with Chief Keme. "After today's celebration, we will help each other build each other's future homes," said one of the men.

Qadan and his soldiers stepped into the crowd, and they stood behind Chief Keme. Those seated to Chief Keme's left quickly made room for Qadan. Qadan asked with a smile, "Most of the soldiers left already. As for now, everyone stays in the tent for the time being, and we will help you build your home."

"You don't have to do that," Chief Keme said.

Qadan said, "Sukh asked us to help, and those who stay are all volunteers."

Chief Keme said, "I'm afraid His Majesty might not like it."

Qadan smiled and said, "Ha... As you know, if Sukh allows it, His Majesty will not refuse."

Zuni stepped forward and said, "Father, lunch is ready."

Chief Keme said, "General Bayarmaa, please join us for lunch. Your soldiers volunteer to help us build our houses and we will volunteer to feed them." Both, Chief Keme and Qadan laughed.

The Kukungga and the soldiers were having a good time eating when a wall of shadows blocked the sunlight. They looked up the hill and saw a line of soldiers standing opposite the top of the hill.

"Are those soldiers?"


Chief Keme stood up and said, "Invaders, impossible."

Qadan wiped his hands on his trousers, then stood beside Chief Keme. "Those are not soldiers," he said, staring at the men standing not far from them. "They are palace guards and imperial guards." He looked at his soldiers. "If they are here, it means that His Majesty is also here."

Chief Keme expressed, "What is His Majesty doing here?"

Qadan said, "I don't know, let's ask."

Chief Keme looked at his two daughters and said, "I'll go talk to them and see what His Majesty wants." He walked away with Qadan.

Qadan looked at the man on horseback. He greeted, "Guard Choi, is His Majesty here too?"

Duri said, "His Majesty will arrive soon." He waved his hand, and the palace guards grabbed the hilt of their sword.

Qadan saw that this was an action for the palace guards to attack. He quickly asked, "Guard Choi, what does this mean?"

Duri said, "His Majesty ordered that all remaining soldiers standby and be ready to obey orders at any time."

Qadan was disturbed by the orders given to him by the palace guards. The soldiers standing behind him were not too happy either.

One of the soldiers said, "You, the head of the palace guard, dare to order General Bayarmaa?"

Another soldier said, " As far as I know, your title and status are still far behind General Bayarmaa."

The soldiers gritted their teeth at Duri and the palace guards.

Duri smiled, took out the gold plate from inside his robe, and showed it to the soldiers. Qadan and the soldiers dropped to their knees.

"Long live the Tenth King of Tangzang."

Duri smirked at Qadan and the soldiers were kneeling in front of him. "Seeing this seal is like seeing His Majesty himself. Do you still dare to define His Majesty's orders?" He looked mockingly at the men kneeling in front of him. He saw that Chief Keme, and his mages has not yet knelt. "Chief Keme, where is Great Grand General Bayarmaa?"

Chief Keme asked puzzlingly, "What are you talking about?"

Duri said, " You've ordered your people to hurt Great Grand General Bayarmaa. Yesterday we caught a Kukungga woman. She admitted that you ordered her to kill Great Grand General Bayarmaa. When Great Grand General escaped successfully, you ordered your mages to imprison him in a magic cell."

Chief Keme looked at Duri, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Qadan looked at Chief Keme and asked, "Is this true?"

Chief Keme said, " I have adopted Sukh as my adopted son, so why assassinate and imprison him?"

"That's because he broke his agreement with you," said Duri, looking down at Chief Keme. "Are you going to deny it?"

Chief Keme said, "I will not accept anything that I have not done."

Qadan asked, "Guard Choi, the accusations you just mentioned are not small. There are no witnesses. The accusation you accuse Chief Keme of can send your whole family to death."

Duri said, " The witness is in His Majesty's hands. Without the witness, how do we know that Great Grand General Bayarmaa is missing..." He looked at Qadan. "General Bayarmaa, why are you not worried about your beloved cousin, but an outsider? Have you forgotten that the Bayarmaa family has a place in the royal court precisely because of Great Grand General?" He smirked.

Chief Keme said, "If you are looking for Sukh, he's not here, but if you have a different motive and want to frame me, I can tell you that we, the Kukungga will not step down easily."

Duri said, "His Majesty knows, that's why..." He waved his right hand.

Ten palace guards dragged ten bonded people of six men, four women and two children forward. The guards place their swords on the captives' necks.

Seeing innocent people being treated unfairly, Qadan was very angry. He frantically steps forward; Qadan points his finger at Duri. He shouted angrily, "Choi Duri!"

Chief Keme said, "Let them go. His Majesty had named this place a sacred ground. A neutral land of no killing. How would you answer His Majesty if you spill blood?"

Duri wasn't about to sit on horseback and listen to Chief Keme's lecturing him, so he grabbed hold of his spear and stabbed the first captive at his abdomen. The spear pierced the young man directly, and the young man fell to the ground slowly.

Chief Keme warned angrily, "Guard Choi, if you kill another Kukungga, I will have to kill you."

Duri looked at the ten palace guards, blinked, and nodded. The nine soldiers quickly slit the throats of other captives. Duri gestured to his right hand. At the same time that Duri lowered his right hand, was putting down, the whistling sound of a loud arrow resounded in the ears of Kukunga, who was not far from Chief Keme and mages.

The Kukungg people saw a wall of arrows flying towards them blocking the sun.

Qadan yelled, "Hide!"

Chief Keme looked back at his people and saw that his people were trying to dodge the arrows as some of the arrows had already killed some Kukungga. He turned around and saw the blood of the ten people in front of him soaked on the ground, turning into streams, and flowing down slowly, forming more blood streams, spreading in all directions. Looking at the blood, Chief Keme suddenly remembered what his grandfather said before he died.

"Keme... I have seen images of you and our people being hunted down by soldiers. I have seen blood pouring from the bodies of our people into the ground. Promise me that you will never lead our people to serve any king."

Chief Keme's lips quivered as his rage rose to the top of his head. Chief Keme took a step back and said angrily, "Kill them."

Qadan grabbed Chief Keme's left arm. He said worriedly, "Let's wait for His Majesty to arrive."

Chief Keme looked at Qadan and said, "General Bayarmaa, you are a good person and I do not wish to hurt you, so please get out of the way, but if you want to act on behalf of the evil king, then I must kill you."

Qadan said, "We've known each other for a long time. We've fought side by side countless battles and you know I wouldn't do something like that. I wouldn't kill any innocent people."

Chief Keme closed his eyes and said, "As a comrade in arms, please take care of my daughters and keep them safe." He pushed Qadan back to his soldiers and looked at the mages standing behind him. He nodded to the mages.

The mages clasped their hands together and began to chant. The arrows that had killed many of the Kukungga rose into the air and aimed at the palace guards. The mages clapped their hands in unison, and the sound of clapping was like thunder flying through the night sky. With just one clap, every arrow fired at the Kukungga went straight to the group of palace guards and imperial guards stood behind Duri.

Duri drew his sword and ordered, "Kill every single one of them." Duri turned to Qadan. "You traitor... dare to disobey His Majesty's order?"

The border soldiers looked at Qadan, and didn't know what to do, if they didn't obey Haneul's orders, they would be beheaded and labeled as traitors, if they obeyed Haneul's orders, then they would betray their commander.

Qadan said, "We don't kill innocent people." He stared straight at Duri. "If Keme and his mages want to fight Duri and his men, then we will evacuate the innocent."

Duri watched as Qadan, and his men rushed towards the Kukungga people and began to evacuate them back to camp. He charges his horse towards the Kukungga and Qadan. Duri met Hanuel who took the remaining soldiers from the camp to the riverbank to attack the Kukungga people.

Duri quickly dismounted and knelt in front of Hanuel. "Your Majesty, Chief Keme refused to return Great Grand General Bayarmaa. He killed many of our guards with his mages. He said that without him, His Majesty would never be able to retake His Majesty's throne. Now, he's going to fight us, and he says his four hundred mages will take back everything he gave His Majesty, including the throne."

In a rage, Haneul said angrily, "Surround the people and force Keme and his mages to surrender." Haneul walked slowly towards the people who surrounded him. "Begin killing them." He continued to walk towards the Kukunga people. He looked at Duri. "Tell Keme and his mages to surrender, or the Kukungga tribe will face extinction."

Duri smiled, "Yes, Your Majesty."