Chapter 65 The City Of Warriors Part 1

Sitting alone in the dark, Hajime made up his mind that he would rather die than wake up to live the life he hated the most, but in this dark room where he didn't know how long he stayed, the only thing he couldn't stand was the small bonfire that still made sense. Since there was no other weapon that could end his life, Hajime stretched out his hand and grabbed the flames from the bonfire to his chest, trying to burn himself to death. Seeing the flame floating in his hand, he suddenly felt an indescribable feeling. With tears in his eyes, he murmured, "Yul, with sorrow, with joy, and being with you, the most dangerous course becomes ordinary and meaningful." He put the flame floating in his palm on his chest.

Hajime felt his body warm up suddenly, maybe it was because he planned to burn himself with the flame on his hand. He felt the dark ground begin to tremble, and the dark walls begin to shatter, like glass shattering from a window in an earthquake. His eyes began to see the dawn as the dark shards fell. Hajime looked up, although he couldn't see the light clearly, but a sense of happiness surged in his heart. The beeping of the machine and the voices of other people gradually faded away, and as the dark wall surrounding him continued to crumble, the familiar voices Hajime missed dearly became clearer and clearer.

"Although he looks small, he is heavy," Hajime heard Abrafo complain.

"Why are you complaining? Yul should complain, but he doesn't." Hajime heard U-ri. "He carried Hajime the entire morning."

"Michio, you take a turn," Hajime heard Abrafo.

"Let me," Hajime heard Yul.

Hajime felt his body shift from Abrafo's back to Yul's. He wanted to open his eyes, but the uniform light hurt his eyes, and he quickly closed them again. Hajime blinked twice before slowly opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was Yul's exquisite jawline. Hajime lowered his eyes, and he could clearly see the sweat running from Yul's neck to Yul's collar. He smiled and closed his eyes again. Hajime pretends to be asleep so he can continue listening to Yul's heartbeat.

After walking for four hours on the ancient dirt road, the five men stood there looking at the long stone wall that stood several meters high.

Abrafo sighed and said, " We have arrived... the capital city of Magior City."

U-ri asked, "Do we enter now or wait until tomorrow morning?"

Michio said, "Hajime hasn't woken up yet, let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

Yul said, "We have a rest for one night. We don't know what's waiting for us when we enter the city. Also, we have to find a way to enter the city."

Abrafo said, "I agree, even if we work together, it is impossible to push that stone door open."

U-ri said, "Hajime could simply fly us over that wall with his eagles."

Yul said, " Let's set up our camp here."

Michio said, " I'll build a small bonfire."

Yul stands for a moment, watching the others do their work. Finally, he said, "Are you going to come down by yourself or do you want me to ask Abrafo to help you down?"

Hajime opened his eyes and bit his lower lip. "How do you know?" He wraps his arms around Yul's neck teasingly. "If you knew all along, why did you carry me behind your back?"

Yul said, I don't want to expose you. Enough teasing."

Hajime let go of Yul's neck and climbed off Yul's back. He turned and gazed at the stone walls swallowed by nature.

Hajime asked, "What am I looking at?"

Yul said, "You are staring at the capital city of Magior."

Hajime asked, "So, how do we escape from Saja's house?"

Yul said, "No clue."

Hajime, who had been staring at the stone wall, said, "Let's fly over. The five of us can't climb up or push through that gate."

Yul said, "U-ri and Abrafo said the same thing."

Hajime looked at Yul and smiled, "They did, huh…"

Night fell quickly as the sun dipped below the mountain horizon. There was no sound in the mountains. The only sound that is often heard is the sound of wind moving through rusty leaves.

U-ri looked at his journal and said, "This place looks much creepier than I thought. Look at the stillness of that stone wall." He shudders. "Looking at it makes me feel like there are many pairs of eyes staring right at me."

Michio said, "I feel the same way, I'm not ready to find out what is awaiting us on the other side."

Yul said, "Regardless of whether there is anything waiting for us on the other side of the stone wall or not, we will enter the capital early tomorrow morning."

Hajime said, "Everyone stops talking about what's waiting for us. We're not sure if there are good or bad things that are waiting for us on the other side. Who knows, it might be nothing."

Abrafo said, " Exactly what Hajime said. It's always creepier at night. Do you remember that old hunting brothel next to the run-down inn by the city walls?" He looked at the people sitting around the small bonfire.

U-ri said, " Oh yes, I remember that place. I've never been to that place myself, but the stories the locals tell, I remember every single one."

" Many soldiers refused to patrol that area because they said they heard women calling their name," Abrafo said, looking at Yul. "Did you hear anything unusual while patrolling the area?"

Yul said, "No."

Abrafo joked, "Look at your icy face. I guess ghosts are more afraid of you than you are afraid of them."

U-ri looked at Hajime and found that there was something shiny stuffed in Hajime's robe. Every now and then, when Hajime turned, U-ri could see bright sparks flickering in the night. "Hajime," U-ri said.

Hajime turned to U-ri. "Hmm…" Hajime replied.

U-ri asked, "What's that on your neck? Is that something new? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Hajime looked down and found something shiny inside his robe, he pulled it out and found that it was a large scale the size of his palm. He looks at the scale and his friends. "I don't remember having such a thing on me," said Hajime, turning the scale from side to side.

Abrafo grabbed the scale and took a closer look. "This seems to be the scale of some kind of fish, but what kind of fish has such a big scale?" Abrafo reached into Hajime's robe and pulled out the book of Life. "What is this?" He looked at the Book of Life. "The Book of Life… what… you have such a book?"

Hajime took the Book of Life from Abrafo and looked at it carefully. "I've never heard of such a book," Hajime said. "Who put these two things on me?"

U-ri said, "Give it to me. I want to read it."

Hajime threw the book to U-ri who was sitting on the other side of the bonfire.

U-ri caught the Book of Life, frowning frantically at Hajime. "Don't throw such a priceless book into the fire. What if you miss it," he opened the book, and the first words of the Book of Life stung U-ri. "Everyone…"

Yul asked, "What's the matter?"

U-ri's heart is beating so fast that he feels every beat. He read, "In a faraway Country, there was a King who ruled his country with fear and torture. In this country, the rich are so rich, even their toilets are made from gold, but the poor were so poor, they sold their children for a bag of grain, even so, the evil King did not care or help his citizens. His citizens were dissatisfied with his ruling, and they called for heroes to overthrow the evil King.

Five good friends raised banners, leading soldiers, and the people to fight against the evil King. The battle was a success, when the evil king citizens and government officials happily opened the gate of the palace to welcome the heroes. They cut off the heads of the King and Queen and placed them on a spike outside of the palace. This is to remind the younger generation that doing evil deeds will not be ignored. The five friends divided the land equally. Each will rule their own Kingdom with their own policies.

These five kingdoms lived in harmony for more than five hundred years, until the tenth king of Tanzang had a fierce war with his two neighboring Kingdoms. To this end, he forced neighboring Kingdoms to form a coalition against him. They forced the lonely king away from his hometown to an unknown place."

Yul said, "Since this book wrote about Tanzang Kingdom, why don't the people we met at Baishui's house know about the existence of Tanzang Kingdom?"

Abrafo said, "Kenix and her brothers are too stupid to know such things. Their arrogant attitude, probably thinks their small kingdom is better than our great Tanzang Kingdom."

Saja and his men have no choice but to return home. They knew that those who entered the capital city of Magior City would never come back. When the men returned to their small village, every house in the village was lit with lanterns.

One man asked, "Chief, what's going on?"

Saja said, "I don't know. Be careful, everyone."

When Saja and his man approached the entrance of the village, Lixin and his small army of one hundred people were waiting for them. Standing behind Lixin and Kenix were the villagers.

Saja dismounted and walked up to Lixin. "May I ask, what's the use of letting the villagers stand like this in the middle of the night?"

Lixin said, "I'm looking for a few people. Seven to be precise. Have you seen them? One of them is more prominent than the others. White pale skin, white hair and white eyelashes." He smiled smugly, staring at Saja.