Chapter 125 Into The Phoenix Chamber Part 5

The sun was about to sink into the red horizon, and the group came to the beach. There are thousands of tents set up for participants near the beach. The tents of the royal family are grander than those of ordinary participants. 


There are beds in the tent Yue prepared for the five Tanzanies, and there are prepared bags containing dry food next to each bed. 

After looking through the bags prepared by Yue, Michio said, "We are very lucky to be able to represent the Lai family in the competition. Look at these, Lady Lai has prepared well for us." 


Abrafo said, "Well, finally I can sleep in a decent bed." 


The leather covering the door suddenly opened to one side, and Kexin walked into the tent. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest. "Not bad," she said. "Yue prepared well. I didn't expect that she would take our bet this far." 


Abrafo stood up quickly, sat on the edge of the bed, and cursed, "What the hell? Do you have any manners? I thought the royal family should be polite, but I didn't expect you to be such a scoundrel." 


Kexin mocked, "Scoundrel? It wasn't me who came to your house pretending to be a beggar, and it wasn't me who told lies to make you walk five miles to the mortuary temple. Finally, it's not me competing for another family's reputation. So, tell me, Sir Abrafo, who is the real scoundrel here?" 

U-ri chuckled and looked at Abrafo. "Ouch," he smiled. "She has a point." 


Abrafo stood up and walked towards Kexin, but his hand was held by Michio. "Abrafo," Michio said. "Lady Kexin is our friend." 


Kexin said, "I didn't say you are a lowlife. Bong did. Take your anger out on him." 


Yul walked to Kexin and asked, "Lady Kexin, there is something I need to confirm with you." 


"What's the matter? I will try my best to help you," Kexin said. 


Yul said, "When I first met Lady Lai at the market, she didn't speak to me at all, but later when I saw Lady Lai again, she spoke." 


Kexin smiled and said, "That's because the Lady Lai you met at the market and the Lady Lai you met today are not the same person. The Lady Lai you met today is named Yue, and she is my brother's fiancée. The Lady Lai you met in the market was probably Yun, the second young lady of the Lai family, who was Yue's identical twin." 


Hajime asked, "How to distinguish them apart?" 


Kexin said, "Yun is mute." 


Yul said, "Thank you for clarifying my concerns." 

Kexin smiled and said, "Anytime." 


Abrafo asked annoyingly, "What are you doing here?" 


Kexin did not look at Abrafo, turned to Yul and said, "My brother wants you five to join us for dinner?" 


Abrafo asked, "Is that arrogant bastard there too?" 


"Which arrogant bastard are you referring to?" Kexin asked. She looked at Abrafo and smiled. "You mean that arrogant bastard who called you a lowlife? Well... I guess so, because he's a friend of my brother's." 


Hajime said, "Lady Kexin, who else is coming to the dinner?" 


Kexin said, "My brother's seven men, me, Bong, and the five of you." 


Hajime said, "Let's go see Lord Lixin, shall we?" 


Michio stood up and asked, "Is there anything delicious?" 


Kexin smiled and said, "Very delicious food has already been prepared." 


Abrafo said, "Count me out. I would rather go hungry than sit next to people who call me a beggar and a lowlife." 

U-ri stood up and said, "I'd rather have a free meal tonight than cooking a meal." 

Michio smiled and said, "Me too." 

"Let's go eat," Yul said, looking at Hajime. 


"I will lead the way for you," Kexin walked out of the door with Yul and Hajime. 


Michio and U-ri quickly followed. 


Abrafo shouted from behind, "You are terrible friends." Abrafo's stomach growl. "I'm capable of getting myself full without any of you." 


Abrafo walked along the beach, only to find many groups of people sitting and eating everywhere. He seemed to be the only one abandoned by his friends. Just when he thought he was alone now, he found a man sitting alone grilling fish a few meters away from him. Abrafo quickly walked towards the man. 


Abrafo asked, "Are you grilling fish alone?" 


The man looked up and it appeared that he was an older man. "Yes," he said. "Do you want to have dinner with me?" 


Abrafo sat next to the old man and began to eat the grilled fish that the old man had put aside. "Ah..." Abrafo frowned. "It would be nice if there was wine, the fish would taste even better." 


The man said, "Little brother, you are so lucky... I still have some wine left." He handed the leather water bag to Abrafo. "There's not much left but sharing it with others can ease the loneliness." 


Abrafo opened the lid and took a few sips. "Good wine... very good wine..." Abrafo said. 


The man smiled and said, "You can drink it all if you like." 


Abrafo took a swig of wine and swallowed it. He turned around and returned the water bag to the man but saw that the man's image was blurry. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes, but instead of seeing any improvement, he felt extremely tired. His eyes became extremely heavy, and then he fell to the ground unconscious. 


It was nearly midnight when the four Tanzanie entered the tent. Michio was the first to enter the tent. "Hey Abrafo, you missed all the good food, and that guy you hated didn't come," Michio said, walking into the tent. "Abrafo...?" He turned to face the other three Tanzanies. "Where is he?" 


Hajime walked to the bed and stretched out his arms. "He was probably out looking for us or food." 


U-ri said, "He should have come with us. We had a lot of fun." 


Michio yawned and said, "Let's go to bed. We have to get up early in the morning." 


Yul was still standing at the door. He looked at the three people who had already climbed into bed. "You three don't seem worried about Abrafo at all," he said. 


U-ri chuckled and said, "We are not worried about Abrafo. He can protect himself." He took off his shoes and covered himself with a blanket. 

Hajime was still sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Yul who was still standing at the door. "You should sleep too. After tonight, it will be a while before you can completely close your eyes and have a good sleep. I...I will wait for Abrafo." 


U-ri said, "Hajime is right. Go to bed. You've been very tired lately." 

Hajime stood up and pulled Yul onto the bed. "Go to sleep," Hajime said. "I will wait for Abrafo." He walked to the table, sat down, and began to read the Buddhist scriptures collected by Michio. 

Yul looked at Hajime and asked, "Are you sure?" 

Hajime turned to Yul, nodded and smiled. He watched Yul lie down on the bed and closed his eyes. Hajime smiled and whispered, "Oyasumi, Yul." 


Standing in front of a lone tent away from the others, Bong looked at his soldiers and said, "Keep your distance and don't enter the tent without my permission." 


The ten guards bowed to Bong and soon disappeared into the woods. 


Bong walked to the tent, opened the leather door panel, fastened the leather door panel, then turned to look at Abrafo, who was lying naked on the bed, his wrists and ankles were chained to the bedpost, unconscious. 


Bong sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Abrafo's abdominal muscles with his hands. He bit his lower lip and said, "The men I usually taste are all such beautiful men. I have never tasted a man like you." He moved his hand to Abrafo's breast. He squeezed Abrafo's breasts. "Haha...although it feels different, but it still felt good." 


Bong pinched Abrafo's right nipple with his thumb and index finger. He slowly milked Abrafo's nipples and smiled. He lowered his head, slowly licked Abrafo's right breast, and continued to milk Abrafo's left nipple with his right hand. After a while, he raised his head and stared at Abrafo's jawbone. He ran his fingers along Abrafo's jawline, which excited him. 


Bong smiled flirtatiously and licked his lips with his pinkish tongue. He said with a smile, "What a beauty. I promise...if I see you again, I will fuck you until you pass out." He took off his robe and sat on the bed again. 


Bong lowered his head again and continued to suck and lick Abrafo's breasts while his right hand reached for Abrafo's member and began to rub. Bong noticed that his movements had slowly aroused Abrafo, which turned him on even more. He raised his head, and when Abrafo tilted his head back, Bong bit down on Abrafo's neck and continued sucking hard. 


"Ah...!" Abrafo screamed, feeling something biting his neck. Abrafo turned around and tried to take the thing off with his hands, but his hand was grabbed. Abrafo yanked his hands forward but was unable to move his hands and legs. 


By this time Abrafo was fully awake. Just when he heard someone gasping on the right, that person was sucking his neck hard, and that person's hand was stroking his member. The last thing he remembered was drinking and eating with a fellow participant. The thought of being sexually assaulted by the ugly old man made Abrafo even more angry, so Abrafo forcibly swung his head hard to the right, trying to knock the person off his neck. 


Bong was hit hard and quickly got up. "You despicable lowlife, how dare you hit me," Bong swore angrily. 


Abrafo looked angrily at Bong. "It's you..." Abrafo lowered his head and found himself naked and chained to the bed. "What the hell...let me go you sissy." He struggled to free himself from the shackles. 


"Sissy?" Bong chuckled happily. "You are wrong. The one lying naked on the bed is the sissy, and the one standing is the man." 


Abrafo looked at Bong madly and said, "If you dare to touch me, I will definitely let you die miserably." 


Bong smiled and said, "I've been threatening with harsher verbal threats, and I am still standing." He walked to the table and grabbed a small jar of oil and a book. He sat on the bed again and placed the two items on the bed. "There are at least three hundred and fifty-six sex positions in this book. I don't know how many sex positions you can endure before you pass out." He turned a few pages and put the book on the bed. "Let's start at square one." He poured some oil on his hands and rubbed it onto Abrafo's backdoor. 


Abrafo gritted his teeth, "You son of...uh..." Bong inserted a finger into Abrafo's backdoor. "If I'm free, you're dead." 


Bong pulled out his fingers and said, "On second thought, it would be better if you felt pain." He jumped in between Abrafo's spread legs, knelt, lifted Abrafo's hips, and smiled at Abrafo. "Here comes the first sex position." 


Abrafo bit his lowered lip and stared at Bong, while Bong continued to smile at Abrafo and pulled Abrafo's hips towards him.