Chapter 127 Into The Phoenix Chamber Part 7

Bong is woken up when he hears people talking loudly outside. He opened his eyes, his body aching. He looked down at his chest and saw bite marks. His nipples were painful to touch, not just his nipples, but his back door was so painful that it was difficult to even stand up. 

Bong gritted his teeth. "Abrafo, you donkey... you actually... you actually..." He panted heavily and slowly put on his pants. He turned around and saw blood on the sheets. He walked to the mirror and found that his neck was covered with hickeys. "Abrafo!" He grabbed his robe, drew his sword, and rushed towards the tent that the Lai family had prepared for the five Tanzanies. 

"Your Highness!" Four guards chased after Bong. 

Bong cuts the curtain on the door with his sword, only to find an empty tent. "Where are the people in this tent?" Bong shouted.

"Where are they!" 

"Your Highness," Master Lu said. "Now everyone is boarding the ship, and we don't know which ship these people are boarding." 

Bong said angrily, "These people are from the Lai family. I believe they will get more decent accommodation on one of the ships, and you guy keeps the records somewhere. Now show me!"

Master Lu said, "Once on board, everyone is treated equally, even His Highness and the four guards he brought with him are no exception." 

Bong threw the sword to the ground angrily, and Master Lu quickly backed away, fearing that Bong's sword would hit him. Just as he was trying to calm down Bong's murderous rampage, four people walked by. 

Hai shook his head, "I don't believe that he gave in at the last moment. What if it is discovered that we are missing one person? We will be at a disadvantage."

Bong stepped forward and said, "This brother, you are short on one person, correct?" 

Hai said, "Yes, my cousin Han decided not to go. He left us behind this morning. He even left two of his people behind." 

Bong said, "Then let me replace him." 

Hai said, "Why should I take you with us?" He looked at Bong strangely. 

Bong said, "You don't have to worry that I will take away your pure phoenix eggs. I am more interested in studying the poisons in the forest. With me by your side, you will have an advantage. My medical skills will bring benefits. I have no other purpose than to collect bones and herbs for medicine. " Hai seemed hesitant to believe Bong, so Bong grabbed Master Lu who was standing next to him. "I'm a medical student and he can vouch for me." 

"Ah..." Master Lu was shocked when he heard Bong's words. 

Bong gritted his teeth. "Am I right, my lord?" 

" he is a medical student living in my house," Master Lu said. 

Hai said, "Alright, since this lord vouched for you, we will let you take over Han's position, but if anyone asks, you have to tell them that your name is Han." 

Bong smiled and said, "Give me some time to change clothes." He grabbed the sword and started to walk away. 

Master Lu quickly caught up with Bong. "Your Highness, if His majesty knows that you entered Scattered Forest, His Majesty will punish you severely when you come back," he said with panic. "Please reconsider your actions." 

Bong walked into the tent and quickly got dressed. He put a fake beard on himself and said, "If I don't seek revenge, it will hurt more than the punishment from the royal father. Beside." He grabbed the bag that had been prepared. "I want to help Lixin win the championship he has always dreamed of."

Master Lu quickly chased after Bong. "Your Highness," he pleaded. 

Bong said, "My departure is best kept secret. If my whereabouts are known, your name will be second on my revenge list."

Master Lu said, "Then before Your Highness leaves, you might as well injure me to prevent your identity from being exposed." 

"Alright." Bong raised his hand and hit Master Lu on the neck. Master Lu fell to the ground. 

Bong sighed, picked up Master Lu and put him on the bed. He grabbed his sword and bag and left the tent. 

The compartment that Bong shared with others was small. He was used to his own big bed and ample space, and being cooped up in a small, windowless cubicle with four other people made him uneasy. Additionally, Abrafo caused significant pain on his body the night before, making it hard for him to sleep on the hard wooden floor. He stood up and decided that he would be better off sleeping on the deck. 

Hai asked, "Where are you going?" 

Bong lied and said, "I'm a little seasick. I'm going to get some fresh air." 

Hai chuckled, "You've never been on a boat, right?" 

Bong said, "Yeah..." 

Bong slowly walked from the lower deck to the upper deck, his inner thighs burn with every step he took. He had to stop every few steps because of the burns and tickles on his back door. When he finally reached the top deck, there were fewer people awake. Many of the people he met were seasick. 

Bong found some wooden boxes stacked next to the rail, so he decided to stand behind the stacked boxes to clear his thoughts. The more he thought about what had happened to him, the angrier he became, but he knew that everything had happened, and time could not be turned back. He began to plan revenge on the man who had brought pain and shame to him. He clenched his hands on the top railing and continued to plan his revenge while looking out over the dark sea, but his plans were disrupted by the voices of a man and a woman. 

Bong listened for a while and realized that the man was trying to flirt with the woman, so he pretending to be sick. From this man's words, Bong knew that he was a sweet-tongued person, but if Bong were to compare this man's words with his, there was a huge difference in charm between them. 

"What a pathetic soul," Bong muttered, stepping out of the stacked boxes just in time to see the woman turn and walk away from the man. "You shouldn't talk to women like that, bro." 

"Teach me how to make her accept my sincerity?" Abrafo turned to Bong and spoke. "I really want to get to know this young maiden." 

As soon as Bong saw Abrafo's face, he gritted his teeth and whispered, "Abrafo, you lowlife." He clenched his hands. 

Abrafo walked up to Bong and asked, "Hey brother, you look much older than me. You may be more experienced than me in this area, so please teach me." He smiled and walked towards Bong. 

Bong angrily grabbed the wooden barrel stacked next to the wooden boxes and threw them at Abrafo. Abrafo was caught off guard and raised his hands to block the wooden barrel. When the trashes in the wooden barrel fell on Abrafo, Bong jumped forward and kneed Abrafo's chest, causing Abrafo to stumble backward. 

"What's your problem?" Abrafo said, brushing the dust off his clothes. "I'm asking you kindly." Abrafo quickly blocked Bong's feet with his right arm. 

When Bong punched Abrafo, Abrafo quickly grabbed Bong's wrist. Bong refused to give in and pushed his left knee forward towards Abrafo's abdomen, but Abrafo blocked it with his left knee, turned Bong's body over, and punch at Bong's chest, causing Bong to cross his arms blocking Abrafo's punch. The force from Abrafo's punch sent Bong straight to the floor. 

Bong quickly slid through Abrafo's legs, pushed himself up with his hands, and kicked Abrafo's lower back, causing Abrafo to stumble toward the stacked boxes. 

"Hey! What's your problem?" Abrafo shouted, sstaring at the man a few feet away from him. Abrafo couldn't understand why a man he had never met had such murderous intent towards him. Abrafo could tell from the way the unidentified man punched that the unidentified man wanted to kill Abrafo. "Have I offended you?" 

At this time, many people on the lower deck had already walked to the upper deck. 

U-ri and Michio walked toward the commotion from the other side of the deck. 

"What happened over there?" U-ri asked one of the people walking towards the gathered crowd. 

The woman replied, "It seems that the two participants had a dispute over a young woman." She quickly walked toward the crowd. 

Michio, who was much taller than the others, stood on his tiptoe and saw Abrafo's back. "That's Abrafo," he said. 

U-ri was shocked when he heard that Abrafo was fighting with another man to attract a woman's attention. "I don't believe Abrafo would do such a thing," U-ri said. 

Michio shook his head and said, "I don't believe it either. Abrafo is not that kind of person." 

U-ri and Michio quickly walked towards the gathered crowd. U-ri said, "Let's go and take a look." 

"You must have done something to offend Brother Han." Hai shouted and pointed his finger at Abrafo. 

Abrafo sneered in disbelief, "How could I suddenly offend someone I just met? He was the one who suddenly threw the trash barrel at me." He breathed heavily. "When this guy shows up, I'm minding my own business." He pointed at Bong. " As if throwing the trash barrel at me wasn't enough, he even kicked me on my chest." 

U-ri approached Abrafo and asked, "What happened?" 

Abrafo said, "I don't know. I am still finding out why he suddenly attacked me." 

A guard approached the crowd and asked, "Is there any problem?" 

Abrafo said, "Ask him, he was the first one to attack me." 

A man stood up and said, "That gentleman with the mustache was the first one to attack that guy, we saw it, we were over there." 

The guard turned to Bong and said, "You know that attacking other participants outside of Scattered Forest is forbidden. Your actions may result in your team being disqualified. Why did you suddenly attack this man?" 

"I saw him with a woman. He grabbed the woman, and the woman was calling for help," Bong said. He looked at Abrafo. "I believe he was going to do something perverted to this young lady, which is why I came forward to help defend this young lady's good name." 

"Hey!" Abrafo shouted. "If you're going to lie through your teeth, it's better not to speak." He wanted to rush forward and hit Bong to prevent him from slandering him, but his waist was held by Michio. 

Another man said, "We did see the woman walking away from the young gentleman." 

The guard turned to Abrafo and said, "Please explain." 

Abrafo said, "We just had a normal conversation, and she gave me some motion sickness medicine and left. That bastard." He pointed at Bong who was standing across from him. "He lied." 

The guard asked, "What's her name, and which group is she in?" 

Abrafo scoffed, "How do I know? I was vomiting, and she felt sorry for me, so she gave me some medicine to relieve my nausea. I didn't ask her name, and she didn't ask mine." 

"We can vouch for him because we brought him here to vomit over the railing, and not in our room," U-ri said. 

Michio said, "Before the fight happened, we happened to be on the other side of the ship." 

The guard said, "If that's the case then it's a misunderstanding. Let's break up and go back to sleep." 

The people began to move away, but Bong refused to move and continued to stare at Abrafo. Hai grabbed Bong's right shoulder and said, "Brother, hold on a little longer. When we step into Scattered Forest, I will help you seek revenge."