Chapter 144 Into The Phoenix Chamber Part 24

For many people, running deep underground through tunnels is difficult because they know there are enemies chasing them. Feng, who led the way, tried his best to find the traces left by Shi, but when they reached the last corner, they entered a smaller area with many connected tunnels on the left and right sides of the cave wall. Feng stopped because he saw many corpses lying in front of him.

"Stop!" Feng said.

Heng asked, "What's wrong?"

"Dead people," Feng said, lowering down the small torch in his hand towards the ground. "It looks like there was a battle here."

Jin, standing behind the last participant, asked, "What else?"

Feng said, "Dead scorpions."

Heng said, "Lord Lixin must have been here."

Feng turned around and said, "Be careful where you step."

Feng led the group of people away from the deceased and toward the many connecting tunnels in front of them. "Help look around and see if there are any clues," Feng said.

Jin said, "Everyone, hurry up, time is something we don't have. The sooner we leave here, the safer it will be."

"What do you want us to look for?" one participant asked.

Jin said, "Anything that is different."

A female participant attempted to enter the tunnel and noticed numerous sword slashes on the left side of one of the tunnels. "This tunnel appears to have a lot of swords slashes marks," she said.

Jin, Feng, and Heng rushed forward and came to the tunnel. Feng held his torch over the marks. "What do you think?" He turned to Jin and Heng and asked. "Do you think Lord Lixin had gone in this direction?"

"Well, this tunnel is the only one that's different from the others, so..." Jin said, turning to face the participants. "Do you want to go into this tunnel or not?"

"Now, it doesn't matter, as long as we're together, because we're together, we have a better chance of defeating those scorpions," said another participant.

Jin said, "Then let's go in. Heng, the last person is you..."

Heng nodded.

Then, squeaking, and crawling sounds approached the group from behind.

Jin said, "This way. No time to decide anymore." Jin quickly rushed into the tunnel on the left, and the people behind him quickly followed.

Heng was still standing there waiting for others to enter the tunnel. When he first saw a scorpion approaching in the distance, he continued to urge the participants to move faster. "Hurry up, they're coming toward us," Heng said, pushing another participant into the tunnel.

"Heng!" Jin shouted from the front. "Seal it up."

Meng handed a talisman to Heng, and Heng quickly threw the talisman into the empty tunnel. One of the scorpions rushed into the tunnel but was immediately pushed to the ground by the spell.

"They can't break my spell. Hurry," Meng shouted to Heng as he rushed toward the other participants.

The men retreated slowly, and Tuya approached them with a smile, followed by many scorpions.

Tuya said, "Do you know whoever steps into my backyard will have to pay a price?" She sneered and continued to approach the four men.

Bong reached into his belt and grabbed a coin. "Here's your money," Bong said, tossing the coin to Tuya, and Michio fired a fire talisman directly into Tuya's face.

"Go!" Shi pushed U-ri into the nearest tunnel to his right and quickly followed U-ri.

Bong and Michio quickly chased after U-ri and Shi. Tuya quickly chased after the four men, but another fireball hit her. She raised her hands to block the fireball.

"Imbeciles," she gritted her teeth. "Kill them."

The scorpions soon chased the four into the tunnel.

"Are you sure this is the correct tunnel?" Lixin asked, following closely behind Abrafo.

Abrafo said, "This is the right tunnel. I asked Shi to wait for us here."

Lixin said, "This tunnel is very similar to the tunnel we just visited."

Abrafo said, "How can you tell the difference? All the tunnels here look exactly the same." Abrafo paused for a bit. "This way."

Abrafo came out of the tunnel and found the body of the scorpion he had killed. "Shi should be in that tunnel over there," Abrafo said and rushed towards the tunnel, but when Abrafo arrived at the tunnel, Shi was no longer there. "Fuck...I told the little guy to stay here and not move. Where is he?"

Lixin said, "Something must have happened to make Shi leave here." He looked forward and saw that the tunnel in front of him was not as dark as the other tunnels. "Let's walked straight ahead. It looks lighter, which means there might be an open space at the end of the tunnel."

Lixin stood up and started walking towards the end of the tunnel, followed closely behind was Abrafo. When they had gone about seven hundred feet, they began to see a forest of trees.

"We found a breakthrough," Lixin said as he rushed forward.

"If I found the little fellow, I'm going to knock some senses into his head," Abrafo said angrily.

"I Agree."

The male voice coming from behind Abrafo startled Abrafo. He turned around to see who is brave enough to followed him without him realizing it. As soon as he turned around, he saw a hand hitting him hard on the right side of his chest. He was blasted out of the cave and crashed into the bushes in front of three trees.

Abrafo knew nothing except that his body was thrown into the bushes by the powerful fist of an unknown person. Small branches scraped his arms and legs as he landed on a bush.

Abrafo stood up slowly and felt severe pain in his right chest. "You son of a..." Abrafo groan in pain.

"Abrafo?" Abrafo heard Hajime's voice.

"Hajime..." Abrafo saw Hajime and Yul walking towards him. "Yul..."

Then Lixin was pushed from the tunnel to the open space by some force and landed on the ground before Abrafo's feet spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Lixin!" Hajime rushed over and helped Lixin up.

Slowly walking out of the main entrance of the tunnel, a tall middle-aged man, dressed in black, with darker skin, holding two double-edged axes in each hand.

Onon stood before the men, pointing a double ax at them. "You are the first to venture so far," said Onon. "It is amazing that you have escaped the Queen's wrath." He looked at the men. "You must be very skilled, but you cannot escape the wrath of my axes."

Abrafo drew his sword from the scabbard on his back and stared at Onon. "Oh, yeah...I've had a lot of people tell me the same thing you told me," Abrafo mocked, looking directly at Onon. "You owe me a punch in the chest."

Onon stared at the sword in Abrafo's hand and chuckled. "So, you were able to kill the doorman, but killing the doorman does not mean that you can knock on the door of the others," Onon said, throwing one of his double blade axes at Abrafo.

Hajime quickly picked a leaf from the branch closest to him and threw the green leaf forward towards Abrafo. The leaf quickly turned into a green shield, blocking Onon's double-edged axe. Hajime turned around and pulled off his bangle, throwing it towards Gang who was standing a few yards away.

Onon held out his hand, and Onon's double-edged ax flew back into his hand. He gritted his teeth and breathed heavily as he failed to strike Abrafo.

"Everyone, enter the protection range of the bangle," Hajime shouted.

The men quickly rushed forward and stood next to Gang, while Hajime and Lixin, slowly backing up towards Yul and Abrafo.

Onon smiled at the men. "Mortals... do you think your pitiful combined strength can kill me easily?" Onon jumped forward, turned into a large ox, and rushed straight towards the four men.

Hajime threw his green scale forward, blocking Onon's direct attack. Although they were uninjured, Onon's force had pushed the four men into the bushes, where the tree stood less than thirty yards away.

Abrafo leaped forward over the green shield and struck Onon directly on the head with the hilt of his sword. At the same time, Yul, who rushed out from the right side of the green shield, swung his sword at Onon's right abdomen, causing Onon to slide to the far left and crash into a tree a few yards away.

Onon stood up slowly, shook his head to get his bearings, stared at the four people, and breathed angrily through his nostrils. Onon pawed his forefeet into the ground, sending dirt flying up his back, and he began angrily scraping the ground with his horns.

"I think it's ready for a full charge at us," Lixin said, holding his sword tightly inside his hand.

"It was angry when I hit him on the head," Abrafo said, chuckling at Onon.

Hajime said, "Now is not the time for you to joke. Prepare to attack it."

Shik looked at Gang and asked, "Your Highness, should we help them?"

Gang said, "We can't even help ourselves now, how can we help them."

Hai said, "Stay and watch. If they lose, we can still escape."

Abrafo turned to look at Yul and said, "It's a pity that Michio isn't here. Tag team... shall we? Just like when we defeated the red phoenix."

Yul turned to Hajime and said, "You stay behind and protect us. Don't attack it with us."

"Got it. I will protect you from behind," Hajime said.

Onon rushed forward with all his strength, directly towards the four men standing a few yards away.

"Here comes the bastard." Abrafo chuckled, holding the sword tightly in his hand and looking directly at the charging ox.