Chapter 157 Into The Phoenix Chamber Part 37

The leaves rustled and the branches swayed, making a sound like the waves crashing on the shore. The participants who had been sitting down to rest now stood up, holding their swords, because they already knew what kind of creature made this sound. 

"Dead men. Are the dead men coming to get us?" a female participant yelled in horror. 

"How is that possible? I thought they couldn't get in." 

"We're trapped." 

"We should never have come down in the first place." 

The participants at the foot of the mountain knew that soon the dead would approach from the forest and rush to tear them into pieces. 

Lixin stared at the tree line, drew his sword and said, "We are facing them now. We will either break out of the encirclement or be eaten by them. If you give up now, you will be dead." 

Abrafo said, "The only way we can survive is by working together." 

Just when the participants were mentally prepared to fight to the death with the dead men, what that approached the participants surprised them, and they slowly returned to the foot of the mountain with a look of defeat.


Tuya and her scorpion army approach from the tree line. Tuya smiled and said, "You destroyed our home, do you think you can still leave without paying?" 

Abrafo said, "We can help you rebuild your home." 

Tuya laughed, and her laughter echoed in the grove. "We can rebuild our house, but you can help me with something else." 

Abrafo asked, "Like what?" 

Tuya smiled and said, "We are short of fresh meat." 

Abrafo looked at Tuya with a smile. He drew his sword from the scabbard on his back and said, "Sorry, my lady, we can't help you with your meat shortage." 

Tuya looked at Abrafo and said sternly, "Then we have to take it from you." She signaled her hand, and the scorpions rushed towards the participants. 

Hajime pushed U-ri next to the two seriously injured participants, and he threw the bangle over them. The bangle expanded and fell to the ground with a loud thud. 

"Stay inside," Hajime said, looking at U-ri. 

Yul stood on the edge of the grotto and shouted, "Hajime! Go in with U-ri!" Yul shouted again, but Hajime didn't seem to hear him. He pushed Heng away and started to climb down. 

Seeing many scorpions rushing towards the participants at the bottom of the mountain, Heng stood there, his legs weak and unable to climb down the thirty-foot mountain wall. 

The participants fought fiercely with the scorpions, and Tuya single-handedly attacked Hajime. Tuya's spear continued to swing at Hajime left and right, while Hajime tried his best to avoid being hit by Tuya's spear. 

Hajime knew that his fighting skills were not as good as Tuya's, so Hajime could only retreat and avoid Tuya's spear instead of fighting back against Tuya. 

Tuya smiled and continued to wave the spear towards Hajime. "Come on, little mage, fight me with all your strength. If you don't fight, you will be dead. Ha...why are you much weaker than the last time I saw you?" 

Hajime did a backflip to avoid Tuya's spear, and at the same time used magic to pull some rocks on the ground. Hajime landed on a smaller scorpion and quickly turned the rock in his hand into a sharp spearhead, which he shot into the back of the scorpion he was on. The scorpion died at Hajime's feet. Hajime jumped back and Tuya's spear swung at him, splitting the dead scorpion in half. Tuya sprinted at Hajime with all her strength. Hajime threw the white scales in front of him, blocking Tuya's attack. Tuya pushed Hajime to the mountainside. 

Yul held on to a rock and looked down, and found Hajime being pressed against the mountainside by Tuya. He knew he was about thirty or forty feet above the ground, so he drew his sword, used his legs to push himself off the side of the mountain, and dropped thirty feet to the ground, slamming the sword at Tuya with all his strength. Tuya was pushed twenty feet away, and she gritted her teeth at Yul and Hajime. 

Abrafo dashed forward and thrust his sword at Tuya's back. Tuya flipped into the air and over Abrafo. Michio cast a spell and sent it to Tuya, hitting Tuya in the back, causing Tuya to suddenly fall to the ground before completing a backflip over Abrafo. 

Gang, who was hiding behind Shik and Hai with his sword, looked at U-ri and the two wounded participants standing within the safety of the bangle. Fearing that those around him would not be able to protect him and that he would be torn apart by the scorpions like the other participants, he began to slowly back away towards U-ri and the two wounded participants. As he was making his way towards U-ri and the two participants, he stepped on a small stone, tripped, and fell to the ground. 

"Ah..." Gang screamed in pain. 

Seeing Gang fall to the ground, U-ri wanted to rush out, but he knew that rushing out from the bangle would break the magic spell. "Don't rush out of the bangle," U-ri said, turning to the two injured participants. 

"Why?" One of the participants asked. 

U-ri said, "If one of us steps out, the magic will be destroyed." He looked at Gang who was still lying on the ground. "Your Highness!" Gang turned around and looked at U-ri. "Your Highness, you must enter the bangle on your own." 

Gang tried to stand up, but his right foot hurt. He looked at U-ri and said, "I can't..." 

U-ri said, "Your Highness must enter the bangle himself. If we step out, the protective spell of the bangle will no longer work." 

Hearing Uri's shout, Shik turned around, and twenty feet away from him, he saw Gang falling in agony, so he rushed towards Gang, but was blocked by two scorpions. One scorpion began to attack Shik, pushing him towards the other scorpions, as the second scorpion slowly crawled toward Gang, who was still on the ground. 

U-ri spotted the scorpion and shouted, "Your Highness, you must get up and come to us now!" 

Gang pushed himself from the ground, he couldn't put his weight on his right foot. He tried a second time, but felt pain, so he stopped trying, put all his weight on his left foot, and continued toward U-ri and the two participants, but he fell down a second time and the scorpion sprinted towards him. 

Bong quickly jumped forward and swung his sword to cut off the two legs of the scorpion that rushed towards Gang. "Crawl in now!" Bong shouted, flipping on the scorpion's back, and stabbed the scorpion's back with his sword. 

Tuya, who was lying on the ground, saw Yul and Abrafo walking towards her from the front and back. When she saw Abrafo who was closest to her, she raised her hand angrily and hit her hand to the ground. She jumped up and sent ten dark spikes towards Yul who was further away from her, then she charged with her spear towards Abrafo who was closest to her. 

Yul swung his sword and knocked away the ten black spikes Tua shot at him. He looked up and saw more scorpions approaching them from the woods. He knew that if he wanted to win, Tuya would have to die, but with their limited manpower, it was impossible to defeat Tuya and survive. He looked back at Hajime and U-ri and he shouted, "Hajime! Seal her!" Yul continued to rush towards Tuya and Abrafo. 

Tuya's spear clashed with Abrafo's sword. The collision of the two swords caused Abrafo, Tuya, the people near Tuya, and the scorpions to be pushed in different directions. 

Michio was about to rush towards Abrafo when Hajime grabbed Michio's arm. "Wait..." Hajime said. 

"Huh?" Michio turned to Hajime. 

Hajime said, "Yul said to seal her." 

"Seal her?" Michio asked. "How?" 

Hajime said, "Seal her, just like your tenth king sealed Lady Huan inside Magior City." 

Michio looked at Hajime and said, "Okay, tell me what to do?" 

"I will create three of you, but I want you to avoid fighting her. You must seal her with a talisman spell," said Hajime. 

Michio looked at Hajime and asked, "Do you want me to seal her in the Fairy Ring Circle formation?" 

Hajime nodded. 

Michio said, "I can do that." 

Hajime sighed and said, "Since I have to use my power again, after summoning the spell, it depends on how long it takes us to seal her. My energy may be completely exhausted and there is nothing I can do to help myself or anyone else." 

Michio looked at U-ri, then looked at Hajime, smiled and said, "U-ri can carry you on his back." 

Hajime looked at Michio and said, "You only have one chance. If you fail, I don't know if I can summon the same spell twice in a role." 

"I won't miss it because there are a lot of people whose lives depend on it," Michio said. 

Hajime looked at Michio. "Are you ready?" He asked. 

"I'm ready," Michio said, raising two fingers at the same time, his chi energy rising to his fingertips. 

In the Peacock Valley, Goddess of Beauty sat on the crystal-clear water in the middle of the lake, dipped her fingers into the water, slowly moved in circles, and looked down at the moon shadow in the lake. 

Goddess of Beauty smiled and looked at her ripple reflection in the lake, then slowly stood up and walked. After walking ten steps toward the shore, she disappeared and reappeared in front of the collapsed tunnels. She waved her hand over Onon's body, and the branches rose up from Onon's body. She smiled down at Onon's headless body with a smile, stretched out her right hand, and water appeared on her palm. She dropped some water on Onon's head, and Onon's eyes began to blink. Then she dripped all the water in her palm onto Onon's body, and Onon's fingers began to move. As she walked toward the collapsed tunnels, she smiled again, then disappeared. 

Standing in front of the large mirror in front of the mountain pass. Goddess of Beauty picked up a small rock and sent it into the mirror, and the mirror in the middle of the pass began to crack. Goddess of Beauty smiled at the cracked mirror and walked towards the horde of dead men rushing towards her.