
I walked outside, breathing in the crisp morning air. Marvelling at the fact that Hiro, Jae and Miyoko had stayed here for almost a whole month. And as soon as Hiro and I figured out an appropriate plan for how we can work together to control the Mist. Everyone began planning how to get to Devil's Haven without running into civilisation.

I groaned and stretched, not wanting to worry too much about something like Hiro not being able to unleash his full potential.

"Archer!" Hiro's friendly voice cried from behind me. I turned and the wind blew harshly up from behind me. I grinned and waved at him like a fool. Hiro coughed lightly and I felt my face drop. He waved my concern away and stood by my side. We watched the hills of green roll out Westward.

"You seen what the girls are up to inside?" Hiro said, grinning sideways over to me. I shook my head and fell backwards onto the soft grass behind me.

Hiro did the same and we looked at each other, grinning as if we had just found out the greatest thing ever. I laughed and brushed the grass from his hair. Pink dusted his cheeks and he looked up to the sky.

Clouds were spread across the sapphire blue sky. I sighed and closed my eyes. The wind flew over my face and sent a light shiver down my spine. "When are we going to head for Devil's Haven?" I sighed.

Hiro let out a groan and I looked over at him. I frowned but brushed it aside. I watched patiently as Hiro sat up and hunched over himself. "We're leaving tomorrow." He said quietly. I frowned in confusion as he stood up solemn-faced and strode off. His unexplained silence left me uneasy. All the while I wondered how much I would give to explain the burning in my chest.

"I know it's only ten in the morning—but it's a little too early for alcohol," I said this sternly as Jae picked up the remedial mead. She grumbled something about insecurities and I smacked her on the back of the head. She yelped accusingly and I grinned over at Miyoko as she set the table.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked. I peered past Miyoko's shoulder and she smacked me in the same manner as I did to Jae.

"Surprise." She said. I muttered an unheard retort and sat down on the couch, slouching and thinking about what could possibly be making Hiro upset.

"What's on your mind?" Jae asked, leaning over the top of the couch. She peered at me with intent, dark eyes. Her hair fell around her face in knotty tangles.

I shrugged and shifted my gaze to the dead fireplace. Jae snorted and flopped into a somersault and landed on the edge of the couch. An expertly stupid move. She nudged me and grinned. "Come on, it's about Hiro isn't it?" She said.

I looked instinctively back to the door and Jae's features melted into concern and worry. She seemed older all of a sudden. I sighed and leaned back into the softness of the couch. Hoping to distract myself from my stray thoughts. And the distinct stinging, and burning in my chest, my lungs and my heart.

"He's…going through some things…" Jae said softly. "He's just realising that before we leave tomorrow—he has to decide on something." She adverted her gaze when I looked at her.


"Something he will tell you, do not push it, Archer." She said heavily. Her voice forced into calmness. Her stupor stiff and taut. She was angry.

I stood up. "When's breakfast ready?" I asked dismissively at Miyoko, her pink bed hair bouncing as she turned.

"A few minutes—maybe seven or so." She replied. I nodded and walked out the door. Jae stood up and went to my side. Her grip around my wrist was loose and desperate.

"Give him time." She said. I nodded and walked out the door. I sighed and put my hands around the base of my skull, locking my fingers together and resting my head on them.

As I walked down the hill, memories filled my mind. I remembered the unfortunate event in which my seven-year-old self knocked out another boy. My father had explained that a certain 'disorder' ran in the family. Dating back to the two-thousands. ADHD. It was supposed to mean that I was an impulsive child, stubborn and couldn't focus properly because my brain would run from my head and up to the skies.

I frowned and opened my eyes. I knew this land too well. I'd unintentionally walked down to the river I'd swum in as a child. I heard the cracking of branches underfoot. Pulling my hands from the back of my head, I walked down quietly to reeds before the riverbank.

I saw Hiro yank off his other shoe and place them carefully to the side. He stood up and walked to the slowly moving water. I heard a soft output of breath before he ran in. I watched as he dove into the water fully clothed and then emerged, gasping and shoving his hair from his face. I blinked multiple times before realising Miyoko was preparing a meal for us.

I walked down past the reeds and stood on the sandy bank. The whisper of wind and the hush of river water calmed my racing heart. The pain slowly became bearable.

"Hiro!" I called, and he turned and looked at me. His cyan eyes were careful and sharp. "Breakfast will be ready soon." I cried. He just nodded and looked back down at the water.

I turned to walk away but I heard a soft voice calling my name and I turned. Hiro wasn't looking at me, but he repeated what he'd said. "Join me."

I sighed but didn't think twice as I yanked off my shoes, putting my jacket with them and placing them on the ground. I prepared myself for cold and leapt in. The water rushed about and through my hair, and bubbles tickled my nose and eyes. I pushed up from the ground and gasped as I broke to the surface. Hiro looked over at me and I rubbed my eyes and nose.

"How long till Miyoko's finished?" He asked quietly. I looked at him suspiciously and then shrugged.

"Around ten minutes," I replied evenly. "More or less."

Hiro nodded and looked at his hands, water running around them like silk. I realised just before I dove under again, that Hiro was contemplating something that was unfamiliar even to his friends. I couldn't relate to him, and neither could Jae.

I popped back up and coughed. Hiro looked at me, alarmed but I just grinned. He smiled shyly back and I floated over to his side.

"Jae told me not to ask but…" I began. Hiro looked at me carefully but I didn't waver like someone else might've done.

"What did she say?" He asked sharply. I grinned and shoved him gently.

"Nothing, nothing." I let my happiness fade from my face. "Hiro, you've been acting strange. I know that Jae has a good idea of why, and that's okay—"

"Are you mad because I informed her instead of you?" Hiro asked quietly. I blinked, looking at him in shock. What on earth…? I laughed and he looked at me in surprise. I couldn't stop laughing, even when he asked—no demanded—why. It seemed so…unusual for an innocent boy like as Hiro to have to live with such things. Even though he was a King.

Hiro scowled at me and I didn't think straight. The once called 'ADHD' kicked in. I blamed it on the water current. Maybe the wind.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, tighter than I thought I should. He let out a low squeak and I pulled away from him. His eyes were wide, wider than I'd ever seen them.

"What—" Hiro began. I cut him off as I leant towards him forcefully. As our lips met, I was aware of more than just him. The wind at my back. The aching sting inside my heart. The water swirled and danced around me. The droplets of water on our skin. Everything.

I pulled away. It had only been a few seconds, but it had felt like an eternity. Forever in one moment. Flashing and sparking like fire.

I wanted to hide deep in the water. Whatever I'd been thinking would happen. Did not happen. Hiro stared at me, his lips slightly parted in shock.

I grinned as I had earlier on before he'd stalked off—and rubbed the back of my head. "Sorry, that was a complete impulse, I—"

I didn't recognise what was happening until I slipped backwards on mud underfoot and Hiro held me in place. He kissed me back. And suddenly, I'd felt the same way. Whether we were standing in a river. Whether our breakfast was probably waiting for us, slowly becoming colder.

None of it mattered.

All that mattered was that Hiro loved me back. And I finally understood what that sensation had been when Hiro blocked a deadly arrow shot to save his friend. I finally—finally—knew.