
I wandered down the—at last—familiar hallways. I had been summoned by Mistress Lukin, and I hoped that I hadn't failed her. After all, I was supposed to erase Jae-wun Song's memories with the newly developed gas. That didn't go as planned.

I stopped in front of the Main Hall's doors and looked over at one of the guards. They nodded back at me and pushed the small, well-hidden button coloured green. The doors swung open slowly and I entered a grey and brightly lit room.

My gaze landed immediately on the Mistress. She was covered in a simple black blouse with her hair in a bun. Her planted skirt fell to below her knees. She looked down at me from where she sat, power radiating from her position.

I knelt on one knee and folded my arm across my chest. "My Mistress, you summoned me?" I kept my look trained to the floor, determined not to look until she spoke.

"Yes, I did." She replied absent-mindedly. "Miss Akayama," She began, "My Aleksei has told me that you are a skilled fighter." I looked at her in confusion.

"I was trained by my father, the Major of the Pongo Unit," I responded carefully, not exactly sure what my Mistress desired of me.

"Then you are skilled, am I correct?"

I looked back up at her, stepping out from my bow and placing my hands by my sides. "I am, Mistress," I said, hoping this was the answer she wished for.

She nodded in glee and leant forwards. "Very good." She leant back into her chair, slightly containing her enthusiasm. "I have something I need you to do for me."

I nodded and awaited the order, hoping that I could finish it and continue my rounds, I had the West Square to meet with another Captain to discuss military tactics for the older 'subjects' of Doctor Kozak. By the Mistress's command, all the failed subjects would be trained and prepared for battle any moment.

I was in charge of the North Squad and needed to meet with them and ensure they all reached my standards.

"Miss Akayama, fight this subject for me." Mistress Lukin gestured to a door opening and a figure stiff and pallid walked into the room.

I held back my shock and focused on keeping my expression flat and blank.

I was determined to mimic Mr Archer Crawsley's features, expressionless and blank, I was determined to stay focused and still.

Archer walked towards me, his steps didn't seem out of place, but they didn't seem to step with purpose. He looked dead, acted dead. He seemed to be better off dead.

Because I finally figured out what Mistress Lukin wanted me to do.

She wished for me to fight her only successful experiment. Archer Crawsley. And he was going to fight me, against his will—if he even had a will left to bend.

"Now, I wish for you to fight this boy." The Mistress said, gesturing to Archer with a delicate sweep of long fingers.

I nodded as an acceptance of her request and readied myself to fight. I was already wearing the appropriate gear, I just didn't plan on fighting at all today. Now I have to.

Archer walked forwards and I watched warily as he reached to grab my elbow and twist me around in a lock, a common tactic. I went to defend this but he swept my feet. I hissed out angrily and swiped a steady set of fingers towards the pressure point at the base of his neck.

He dodged.

I snarled but held back lashing out in anger, I penned it up and vented it as I moved carefully against his calculated blows. I had to win—I hadn't lost to any of the subjects yet. Why would Archer be any different?

I dodged. It was the only I could do. I knew I wouldn't win against him, I'd tried to beat him with every move I had. Even if I'd attempted to go up against him with my sword, I would still be in this situation.

Lying on the floor, waiting for the black spots to clear from my vision. Or for my sight to disappear and I faint into black oblivion.

"Well done Mr Crawsley." I heard Mistress Lukin's voice fade in and out nearby. She didn't come and congratulate me for trying to defeat him, or even ask if I was okay. She walked off and began to discuss what Archer's code name should be. Like all her powerful Generals and Majors. As if I wasn't one of those Majors.