We will meet often.

Christopher busied himself with work as it was his other means to vent his anger and frustration. He lost track of time and failed to notice that everyone had left the office. Only the night support staff members were present.

"Are you still not leaving?" Brad barged in without knocking on the door.

"You are also here," Christopher said, not taking his gaze away from the laptop screen.

"I was about to leave. When I noticed the lights on in your cabin, I came to check on you."

Brad sagged into the couch and exhaled deeply. He looked at him for a moment before saying, "Abi called me this morning. She was asking about you."

Christopher's fingers on the keyboard paused momentarily and then again started moving swiftly.

"You should go home. She must be worried."

When Christopher recalled her new look, he became restless. He wouldn't be able to look at her.

"Are you planning on renewing the contract with the Essence Concierge?" he asked, changing the topic abruptly.

"Yeah. It is quite easy to hire temporary employees from them. I have no problem renewing the contract."

Christopher nodded at the file that he had kept on the side of the table. "I have made some changes to the contract. Talk to them."


Brad walked over to the table and took the file. "I will check it at home. Good night." He turned to leave.

"Wait for a while. I am almost done. I am staying at your place."

"Huh? Why?" Brad gave him a surprised look.

Christopher was annoyed. "What? Can't I stay at your place? Do you remember how frequently I used to stay at your house?"

"I haven't forgotten anything. But you have a wife now at your house, waiting for you. Shouldn't you go back to her?"

"She is what I am avoiding," Christopher murmured under his breath.

"Did you say something?" Brad asked, squinting at him suspiciously.

"Nothing. Go home. I will stay in a hotel."

"Ugh…" Brad rolled his eyes. "I don't know why you are upset with poor Abigail. Anyway, no need to stay in a hotel. You are coming with me."

Christopher thanked him dryly and followed him out the door, carrying the laptop.

Later that night…

Christopher went to bed after dinner. He had no idea why he felt the need to check Abigail's messages.

There had been no recent messages or phone calls from her. It took him by surprise.

'She didn't call to see when I was coming home?' He frowned irritably.

"Why should I care?" He tossed aside the phone and lay down, clutching the pillow to his chest.

When he closed his eyes, Abigail's face flashed in the back of his mind. He opened his eyes frantically.

It had never happened to him before.

'Am I missing her?' he wondered.

"No way…" He denied it, shifting his weight to the opposite side. "I need to sleep."

He forcefully closed his eyes. Abigail's face didn't appear in the back of his mind.

Christopher became even more restless because of the emptiness he had been feeling in his chest. He clutched the pillow even tighter as if it could fill the void.

Abigail, on the other hand, had not slept yet. She had been checking the job vacancies in a job portal. She submitted her resume in the hopes of receiving a call. Then she narrowed it down to a few companies where walk-in interviews would be held in the coming days.

Her eyes were stinging from staring at the phone screen for so long. She stretched her back and rubbed her stiff nape. She even let out a long yawn.

"What time is it?"

It was 11 pm, and Christopher had not back yet.

She realized he was not coming back tonight either. Sadness washed over her.

Instead of calling him to see if he was coming, she typed 'Good night' and hit the send button.


Christopher checked his phone right away and saw her message.

The simple two words 'Good night' were both relieving and irritating.

Instead of asking when he would return, she simply said, 'good night.'

It made him feel unwanted.

Christopher thought he would get up and drove back home. He was genuinely curious as to what she meant by sending that message.

"I don't care."

He again ignored the uneasiness in his heart and went to sleep.


Christopher came to the office on time the next morning and found Vivian waiting for him in front of his cabin. His mood immediately turned sour. Since his father had already approved her training here, he couldn't treat her rudely. Furthermore, the elders of the two families were attempting to mend the broken relationship.

"Good morning, Vivian." He motioned for her to come inside. "You are early."

"I didn't want to make a bad impression on my boss on my first day," she explained, smiling.

Christopher smirked deviously. "Please have a seat."

"Thank you." Vivian sat down and rolled the round crystal ball-shaped pendant around her neck.

Christopher also sat down in his chair. "What makes you want to work here? Do you have any doubts about your father's company?"

He was obviously mocking her, but his expression was solemn. Such an expression would not let the other person understand what he had on his mind.

Vivian was also smart. She didn't like his question although she was not sure if he was mocking her.

"You are right," she replied calmly. "I can take the training in my father's company. It is not difficult for me. Everyone will help me and give me special treatment. This is where I have a problem. I don't want to be treated specially."

"Uh-huh?" He nodded with curiosity.

"I'd like to work in a challenging environment," she stated confidently. "This will help me in learning more."

"All right. Welcome to The Sherman Groups. You will start working from now on under Brad Glover."

"What? But I was supposed to report to you." Vivian frowned.

"Are you challenging my decision?" he asked sharply.

"No… I…"

"I don't work with trainees. Brad can tell you better. Of course, you can come to me if you need something or if you encounter any problems. I'd love to help you." He smiled. "Just inform my secretary before you come into my cabin. All right, Miss Simons?"

He made it clear that she couldn't take the advantage of the connection between the two families and come to his cabin without permission.

Vivian clasped the folder in her hands, rage boiling within her. She, however, couldn't argue with him. She flashed a crafty smile.

"Yes, absolutely fine, Mr. Sherman. We will meet often."

She rose from the chair and walked out elegantly.

"Fuck…" Christopher grumbled, irritated.

He checked his phone, hoping to find Abigail's message. To his surprise, there was no message from her.

She didn't even say good morning to him.

He hissed and dropped the phone, his annoyance growing.