Possessive Christopher?

This question made them think for a while.

Jasper was curious as to why she needed a job so suddenly, despite the fact that she had no financial issues. Based on her health, she should relax at home. Going out to work would only exhaust her and make her stressed.

He wasn't against her working. He would also not put her under a lot of work pressure, but it would be preferable if she stayed at home in a stress-free environment.

That was why he was curious as to why Christopher had allowed her to work.

Abigail was thinking about what she would reply. Could she tell him that she was looking for a job to impress her husband?

She would never let an outsider know that her husband had no feelings for her.

"Oh, I… um… ahem… I want to show my husband that I am fine now; my health condition has improved, and he no longer needs to be concerned about me all the time. So…" She smiled slightly as she pushed her hair behind her ear. "You know, he is kind of protective."

Jasper's fingers curled gradually, and his hands formed fists under the table. Her smile and flushed cheeks revealed how much she adored her husband. It was clear that Christopher took good care of her.

It was undoubtedly reassuring to know she was in capable hands. Her life was easy and peaceful with a loving and caring husband. But this thought disturbed him as well.

He could be her loving and caring husband as well. Only if he had a little courage to tell her back then that he loved her, she would be his.

He had blown the opportunity. His disposition deteriorated. "You could have worked for his company," he said curtly.

"He will never let me work," she replied quickly. "I can't even think about asking him to let me work for him."

"Do you think he will let you work in Essence Concierge?" He got excited to hear what she would say.

"Not at all. He will be upset, very upset." Abigail swallowed nervously as she recalled how enraged he had become when he noticed her new look.

Christopher had not returned home since that night.

She had no idea how he would react if he learned that she had started working. She wouldn't tell him until she got a job.

"I won't tell him until I get a job," she said.

"I see."

Jasper was overjoyed to discover that she had come to see him without informing Christopher. He had no idea why he was satisfied or why he had the feeling of victory over something.

It was a bold move on Abigail's part, and she had chosen to join his company after initially refusing to do so.

Maybe it was the reason he was feeling that way.

Jasper was not sure what the exact reason was, but he was delighted. His mood also lifted. Now, he would enjoy the meal.

The food was served, and they started eating.

Christopher, on the other hand, was not interested in the meal or the client. He was answering Mr. Tony with one or two words while checking his phone.

Brad was the one who was talking with Mr. Tony.

Christopher was bored. He lazily looked at the people dining outside the private chamber through the one-way glass wall. His gaze was drawn to the familiar face, which was pretty.

With that bright smile, that face appeared to be appealing. He thought he was seeing things at first because he had been thinking about her all the time.

'How could she come here?' He scoffed at himself.

He had been checking the phone so frequently to see if she had called or messaged him that he had begun to imagine her in other women.

'How absurd!'

He thought his brain had tricked him. When he looked back, he again saw the face. Shouldn't it be different? Why was Abigail's face still there?

He blinked and narrowed his eyes to get a better look at the woman sitting across the table from the private chamber.

The face didn't change, much to his surprise.

The nerve impulses sparked inside his brain. It was clearly Abigail.

'What is she doing here?' he wondered inwardly. 'Who is he?'

Only then did he look at the man, who was sitting with his back to him, because of which he couldn't see his face.

Christopher ruthlessly removed the shell of the lobster and ate it furiously. As he watched her smile, his chest burned.

He felt as if he had been robbed. He had no idea how upset he would be to see her smile at another man as if he were a possessive husband.

Was he possessive?

'No, not at all…' He denied it straight away. According to his beliefs, he was not that type of person. But he couldn't figure out why he didn't like watching it.

'Who is that man?' He was curious to find out who had claimed what should have been his sole right. He wished he could strangle him and squeeze his life out of him.

Brad, on the other hand, was taken aback by the way he ate his lobster. It was as if a ferocious beast was ripping its prey apart.

He was furious as well for not paying attention to the client.

Mr. Tony actually wanted to talk to him about the new scheme they had launched and asked several questions, but Christopher answered him in one or two words as if he wasn't interested in sharing the technology with him.

It was Brad who had been elaborating on everything.

Brad was so annoyed that he wanted to slam the plate on his head. He would have done that without hesitation if Mr. Tony had not been around.

"Christopher, could you please answer Mr. Tony's question?" He asked solemnly, attempting to catch his attention.

Christopher turned to him and then looked at Tony. He had not heard anything. His entire concentration was on Abigail.

If he asked him to repeat the question, it would be embarrassing. It would also reveal that he was not paying attention to him, which was impolite.

"Brad, you are well versed in the technology. Please, narrate it to him." He deftly gave back the responsibility to him.

Brad could do nothing but say, "Sure."

Christopher moved his gaze outside the private chamber, but he couldn't find Abigail or the man.

'Where did they vanish?'

He became restless.