The suspicion

Christopher got home, hoping to see Abigail. To his surprise, she was not home. It was established that the woman he saw at the restaurant was Abigail.

He was still skeptical that Abigail had gone to meet a man.

'Did she start seeing someone?'

He wondered how she had developed feelings for another man in just a few days. Could she have been in contact with that man all those days?

Christopher became suspicious.

"She said she loved me. This is what she is doing behind me!" He furiously pulled the phone out of his pocket and dialed her number.

Abigail, on the other hand, had just gotten into a taxi after coming out of the ice cream shop when she received his call. She was taken aback to see his name blinking on the phone. Simultaneously, she was happy.

Christopher eventually called her.


"Where are you?"

When she heard his cold voice, her smile vanished. His question was even more frightening.

Abigail assumed he had found out she had gone for an interview. She bit her fingertips.

She couldn't lie to him. So, she said, "I… came to meet a friend."

"A friend?" A scowl formed on his face.

Christopher didn't know that she had a male friend. In fact, he didn't know any of her friends. Nobody had ever come to see her in the past two years other than her mother, and he had never tried to know anything about her friends.

To him, Abigail was a simple woman who enjoyed being alone, reading novels and crocheting. That was what he often saw her doing, sitting on the patio. It was beyond his imagination that such a woman, who was always quiet and docile, could go out alone and meet a male friend.

He began to believe he didn't know her at all. It was as if Abigail had been living a lie for the past two years, and now she was revealing her true colors.

"Who is this friend?" He couldn't stop himself from asking.

Abigail was stunned for a brief moment. His personality dictated that he had no interest in her friends or relatives. This was an unexpected question from his side.

"I will tell you when you get home," she said, reminding him that he had been ignoring her these days.

"I am home," he grunted out, sounding irritated.

"Oh! I-I am coming." Abigail hung up the phone, her heart thumping.

'I am home,' resonated in her ears.

She was nervous. She had not expected him to return home on the day she came out for the interview.

What was she going to tell him?

She thought she could keep everything a secret until she got a job, and it would not be a problem since he was not at home. Besides, he had never returned home so early.

Abigail blinked and blinked, trying to figure out what had caused him to come back so suddenly.

'Has his rage subsided?' she asked herself, feeling instantly stupid.

Of course, he came back home because he was no longer angry with her. But after not finding her at home, he might be enraged again. It was clear from his tone.

"Could you please drive faster?" she urged the driver.

The driver glanced at her in the rearview mirror and increased the speed.

Abigail finally arrived home half an hour later. She took the elevator and went to the fourth floor.


Her heart jumped to her mouth as the elevator stopped and the door opened. She clasped the strap of her bag and walked out. Her legs refused to move as she imagined his furious look. Side by side, she was guilty of keeping things from him. It was what bothered her the most.

She was scared of facing him.

When she walked into the hall, she saw him sitting on the sofa, watching a football game on TV. She stood there, afraid to move.

Christopher shifted his gaze to her, his expression glum.

Abigail's heart seemed to be breaking all previous records for speed. She had never been so terrified of Christopher. It was as if she had stolen something and then been apprehended.

She, however, stretched her lips and approached him. "I wouldn't have gone out if you had told me you were going to return."

"You mean you often go out to see your FRIEND when I'm not at home?" He emphasized the word "friend".

"No… I didn't do that," Abigail defended herself. "The person I met today was my neighbor, and..."

She stopped speaking because she believed she didn't have to clarify herself. That thought occurred to her because she could detect the suspicion in his eyes.

There was nothing wrong with her going out to see old friends.

"I can see my old friends whenever I want," she stated unequivocally. "I never inquire as to who you are meeting with. So…"

"What exactly do you mean?" Christopher grunted, cutting her off in the middle.

"Nothing…" Abigail, too, was upset and lost interest in speaking.

He hadn't asked her how she was doing these days, but he had begun to suspect her for no apparent reason.

"I will go freshen up first." She walked away.

Christopher jumped to his feet and took large strides over. He was right in front of the stairs, blocking her path.

Abigail took a step back, nervous under his cold gaze.

"You still haven't answered my question," he grumbled.

"Can we stop it here? This discussion will not get us anywhere."

"Are you trying to avoid me now?" His scowl deepened.

"No… I am avoiding this topic," she retorted. "You will say something that will hurt me, and then I will ask you where you have been these days. We will end up arguing with each other. So, please… leave it here."

"I see… You are thinking I have been seeing another woman lately. You went out to meet a friend to get even with me... A man? Right?"

Her mouth dropped open. She was stunned to hear his allegation. She realized he was in the mood to argue with her, but she didn't want to.

"Impossible," she muttered under her breath, and she walked past him.

Her attitude added to his fury. Christopher yanked her arm and drew her back. He used a lot of force, causing her frail frame to stumble on his chest.

They were staring at each other.

Christopher found himself drawn to her, who looked prettier than ever in her new haircut. His expression softened, and he let go of her arm. He simply turned aside as if he were not willing to look at her. He was not asking her anything else as if he had no more complaints.

Abigail couldn't figure out what had caused him to change his demeanor so abruptly. It was exactly like the day he became agitated and left without listening to her.

She considered asking him why he disliked her appearance so much, but she decided against it. She would talk to him later when he calmed down. Without saying a word, she went into the room.