Jasper asked for help from Abigail.

Jasper's thoughts returned to the phone conversation he had with Brad the day before.


"This is really upsetting, Jasper. I never expected such carelessness from you. I expected you to send the best of your staff to help Christopher, but they all turned out to be amateurs. They couldn't even stay at the office for the entire day."

Jasper had never seen Brad get so furious. He had always remembered him as a cheerful person who laughed and spoke politely. But he had never heard him yell in rage.

The situation was really bad, and Jasper could tell that it was not good for the company.

"No… They are all professional and well-trained individuals who have worked for many CEOs. I have selected them personally. I don't know why they made some silly mistakes to anger Mr. Sherman." He tried to explain that no mistakes were made from his side and that he had never been negligent.

"Ugh…" Brad groaned. "Look… Christopher is very upset. He is mad at me and yelling at everyone. He has stated that he will not renew your contract."

"Wait a minute... What?" Jasper was taken aback. He felt as if everything was slipping through his fingers.

"I know they made blunders this time, and I apologize on their behalf. Please don't cancel the collaboration. We are also providing you with other services, which are all running smoothly. Please think about it again before making a final decision. I promise I will check everything in person. I will not let you down."

He became desperate and tried to persuade him.

"Huh…" Brad exhaled a deep sigh. "I am helpless, Jasper. To be honest, I feel bad too. But I cannot renew the contract without Christopher's approval. This is your last chance. If you want to continue working with Sherman Groups, you must give your all."


End of flashback…

Jasper had been thinking about whom he should send ever since he had talked with Brad. Several times, he thought he would send his secretary or his assistant, but his work would suffer without them.

He also had other clients who he couldn't ignore just to please Christopher. Besides, there was no guarantee that Christopher wouldn't dismiss them.

Jasper had selected those ladies, who were good at their jobs and had never had any complaints from clients. He was certain Christopher was deliberately messing with him for some reason, which he didn't know. He had no choice but to send someone whom Christopher could not dismiss, no matter what.

His racing thoughts came to a halt at one name… Abigail.

Although she was just a trainee, Jasper thought she was the best option. Christopher couldn't possibly treat his wife badly, no matter how much he was dissatisfied with her work. He would rather teach her instead of ask her to leave, which he had done with the other employees.

Abigail was the best choice to counter his haughtiness.

Jasper felt a little bad about using her to get the contract, but he had no option but to do so for the sake of the company. He must stick to the Sherman Groups to grow until he got another big client.

He stared at her for a long time as he reflected on everything.

Abigail, on the other hand, waited for him to say something, but he just stared at her. She felt uneasy after looking into his intense gaze. She was curious as to why Elsa hadn't returned yet and wanted to go check on her, but she was also curious as to what was bothering him.

Going away without listening to him would be impolite. After all, he was now her boss.

"How can I help you?" she eventually asked.

It was only then that he withdrew his gaze.

"There is a problem at the office," he murmured, rubbing his palms together before resting them on his knees. "I am having trouble dealing with the situation. I believe," he faced her and added, "you can help me in resolving the issue."

"I will be delighted if I can help you," Abigail declared without knowing the problem.

Jasper nodded, his heart filled with conflicting emotions. He was relieved that she readily agreed to assist him, but he was also depressed because he assumed he wouldn't be able to see her if Christopher allowed her to work for him. He was also afraid that Christopher would permanently hire her for his company.

There wouldn't be a chance for him to see her.

He couldn't lose the contract either. It would have a negative impact on the company. The other clients might also cancel the contract, and the big companies would not want to work with them.

His dream to work with other large business conglomerates would also not be fulfilled. For the sake of the company, he had to use Abigail.

Looking at her innocent face, he became even more depressed. She had not even asked him what help he needed from her.

He pulled his eyes down to his hands. "Sherman Groups is an important client for us. We make a lot of money from them. However, recent unfortunate events have caused Mr. Sherman to reconsider whether or not to renew the contract with us. If the collaboration is canceled, we will suffer a significant loss. I cannot afford to lose such a valued client."

He gave her a pleading look.

Abigail gawked at him, her mouth forming a large "O." She never knew that Jasper was working with Christopher. She slowly understood that Christopher was deliberately causing trouble for Jasper because she had joined Essence Concierge.

Christopher had pretended as if he didn't know about Jasper and his company when she told him about her training. He had allowed her to work but had caused issues for Jasper.

Resentment filled her heart.

She wouldn't let him trouble Jasper. "Nothing will happen to the company," she said reassuringly. "I will talk to him."

"No need to talk to him." He stopped her. "All you have to do is go to his office and work for him for a few days."