The unbearable pain

Abigail's wound was tended. She thanked the doctor and came out. She didn't see him around.

"Where has he gone?"

She remembered him saying that he would be back in a minute, but he had not come to talk to the doctor. She assumed he was still on the phone.

Abigail assumed that some issues had arisen at work. Just as she turned to go to the pharmacy, she saw him in the lobby.

He was with a woman. With the white coat the woman was putting on, she appeared to be a doctor. But she looked sad, and Christopher seemed to be comforting her.

Abigail's eyes were on his hands, which were resting on the woman's shoulders. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly. She didn't like the way he was looking at her.

Such tenderness in his eyes... He seemed to care a lot about that woman.

Christopher cupped her face and wiped her tears away. "Stop it now. You have to be strong." His voice was soft and soothing.

"Two years, Chris… I am unable to forget anything." Anastasia sobbed and hugged him.