Unforgettable memories

When Vivian came to her desk, she reached into her pockets for the pen drive. Her face was ashen as she couldn't find it.

"Where is it?" She checked her pockets again. "Oh, my…" She sagged into her chair, her hand on her head.

Her entire body pricked with chills as she assumed she had dropped it into the cabin while hurrying out.

"Christopher will find out about me," she murmured, a wave of shudder crossing down her spine.

She then remembered her encounter with Eddie.

His handsome face and gleaming eyes flashed in the back of her mind.

She stiffened in her seat, only her eyelashes trembling. She had collided with him quite forcefully. Perhaps, she had dropped it in the lobby.

Anyone could pick it up, and she would be exposed for spying around.

"Shit, shit, shit… How can I be so careless?"

She wished she could strangle herself to death.

'What if Eddie had found it?'

Another shudder ran down her spine.