Some things should remain buried in the past.

The kiss was not as fierce as it had been previously. It was sweet, sensual, and arousing.

Abigail's body had already started to give in to him, but her mind was not ready for the sex. She wanted to know how he felt for her before going further.

She gently tapped him on the arm.

Christopher pulled back and frowned at her with surprise. "You don't like me to kiss you," he asked.

"I'd like to," she said, "but before that, I want to know why you left at the time. What was it that was bothering you? Would you mind telling me?"

Abigail waited for him to speak, but all he did was stare at her. When she didn't get his response, she realized he wasn't ready to share anything with her. She was depressed.

"It's all right. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. We should sleep now. Good night."

She moved away a little. The next second, she was pulled back toward him, his arm around her waist.