Only you can alleviate the pain.

Abigail was stunned, looking at the woman in front of her.

How could she forget her? She could identify her even in the crowd, but she was unable to figure out why she approached her.

"You are Abigail Green, right?"

"Abigail Christopher Sherman," she corrected, her voice sharp and devoid of politeness.

"Hi, I am Dr. Anastasia Stevens," Anastasia said softly, stretching her hand toward her.

Even though her expression was calm, she was not smiling.

"You might not know me, but I know you well," she said with the same soft tone.

"I see…" Abigail kept her face stern. "As far as I remember, you are not my doctor. How do you know who I am?"

She didn't reveal that she had seen her with Christopher.

"Can we go sit somewhere and talk?" Anastasia asked, sweeping her gaze around her. With so many people around, she didn't feel comfortable saying the things she had on her mind.