Unexpected visitor

Rachel was kicked out of the Hotel Sierra and later banned from working at any of the properties owned by the Sherman family. She was crying because she was worried about Abigail, not because she had been fired.

Adrian and Gloria had never liked Abigail and had yet to accept her as a Sherman family member. Rachel was well aware of the situation.

However, she had not worried much as she had noticed Christopher being gentle towards Abigail. She had faith that he would not let anything bad happen to her.

Her belief began to sway when she saw the hatred in Adrian's eyes.

It alarmed Rachel.

She was worried Adrian would cause Abigail problems. She wiped her tears away and called her instantly.


Rachel wanted to blurt out everything that happened inside room number 8081B, but she swallowed the words that were on the tip of her tongue when she heard her dejected and tired voice. She was worried that Abigail was not well.