Disturbing information

Abigail exhaled deeply as she stepped out of the car. This time, the car was parked in the underground garage in the spot designated for Christopher.

She walked right into the private elevator reserved for the top executives. She didn't have the courage to use the elevators for the other employees and face everyone's strange looks.

She clutched the thermos tightly, afraid she would run into someone in the office as soon as she stepped out of the lift.

Abigail thought she could have asked the driver to deliver the food. She didn't have to come down here. Moreover, she had not told Christopher that she was coming.

What if he was not at the office? What if he had gone out to lunch with a client?

Restless, Abigail chewed the insides of her cheeks.

The elevator stopped moving.

She didn't realize that she had already arrived on the top floor. She went out, looking around timidly.