Endless argument


Although Christopher felt a strong urge to barge into the room, he controlled his impulse and instead knocked on the door. Despite his insides burning in rage, he maintained his respect for his father.

"Come in."

Christopher stormed in, slamming the door behind him.


The loud sound of the door closing made Adrian raise his head and look up at him. His eyebrows furrowed with surprise.

"What is it? Have you forgotten your manners?" Adrian became enraged as well.

"Why did you fire Mrs. Green?" Christopher fumed, clasping the back of a chair by the worktable. He didn't squander the time talking about other things.

"Mrs. Green?" Adrian narrowed his eyes. At the time, he couldn't recall who Christopher was referring to.

"Mrs. Rachel Green," Christopher said, grinding his teeth. "She worked at Hotel Sierra, and you fired her a few hours ago. Have you forgotten it so soon?"