Yes or no.

Abigail opened her mouth and took a bite of the toast. She couldn't recall him ever feeding her, not even when she was sick.

She wasn't sure if he genuinely liked her or if it was just to keep her with him. 

His eyes shone with care and affection, which she knew was not fake. But she was not in the state to put her full faith in him. Therefore, she had trouble believing what she was seeing.

The war within her made her extremely emotional, and her emotions flowed out in the form of tears.

Her throat was so tight that it hurt while swallowing.

"These tears…" He wiped her tears away. "They are making me distressed. Don't shed them when I am with you."

Abigail turned aside, a mocking smile on her lips. "Does that mean I can cry when you are not around?"

"This is not what I mean. You know it."