Marvelous sight

This was insane. Christopher seemed to have gone half-mad. He kissed her as if his life depended on it. Her moans and gasps drew him in, awakening the feral beast within him.

She felt her body alight as he moved his lips down to her neck, melting into his warmth and moaning even louder.

She felt as if every inch of her body would dissolve into his. Her fingers gripped his hair, drawing him in. She believed she couldn't get enough of him. She wanted him to love her all night, then the next day until nightfall, and so on.

This should not come to an end... It should continue ever and ever.

Abigail was so lost that she had forgotten to ask him what he had written about her in the diary. All she wanted right now was him.

Her veins throbbed, and her heart exploded.

His body pressed against hers, warm and untamed, making her forget everything but him.

Their clothes soon piled up on the floor.