Unconditional love

Christopher was exhausted and sleepy to the point where he couldn't even keep his eyes open, let alone work. He dropped his head on the work table and dozed off.

At that moment, Abigail arrived and walked into his cabin with the lunch box in her hand. When she saw him like this, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She was also frustrated, thinking that he had come to work instead of returning home and taking a rest.

He hadn't gotten any sleep the night before. Why was he required to come and work? Wasn't he aware of how tired he was?

Abigail wished she could scold him. She, on the other hand, pushed her irritation aside and approached him.

"Christopher." She lightly tapped his shoulder.

He raised his head and opened his eyes lazily. "Abi, you are here." He slightly curled his lips.

"You should take a break. Look at yourself. Your eyes are red. Your face is dark. Exhaustion is written all over your face."