Don’t trust the Shermans.

Anastasia became solemn. The nagging pain in her heart surfaced. She looked at Abigail's chest as if she were trying to peer inside her ribcage to see her heart. She recalled why she had invited her out for coffee.

"My sister's accident was not an accident," she said. "It was a murder."

Abigail nearly choked on her saliva. She was too shocked to utter a word.

Anastasia had expected her to react this way. She kept her cool and told her everything about the informant... how he had contacted her, how she had gone to meet him in the woods, and how she had discovered his dead body there.

Abigail covered her mouth, terrified. She recalled Christopher taking her into a dense forest where the body of this man had been discovered. At the time, he had not given her much detail about it. It was only at this moment that she realized what had happened that day.

She understood why Christopher had not returned her calls at the time.