The threatening letter

The next morning…

"What is it? Are you not going to have breakfast?" Abigail was surprised when she saw Christopher walking down the stairs with the briefcase in his hand.

"I have been waiting for you," she pouted a little, "and you are all set to leave."

Christopher was sorry that he had to rush so urgently. He didn't like to see her depressed.

"Don't be upset." He reached out to caress her cheek. "Something urgent has come. I got to go. The driver will take you to the office. Wait there for me."

"Are you not going to the office?" Abigail was surprised.

Christopher grew solemn. He appeared to be thinking about something, or perhaps something was bothering him.

Abigail couldn't figure it out, but she sensed something was wrong with him. She grew concerned, wondering what problem had suddenly developed.

"I am going to meet with a client. It's urgent. I will be back before lunch." He bowed and kissed her on the forehead.