Clearing up the doubts.

Abigail had mixed feelings in her heart. Her doubts were still there, but her desire to trust him was growing. She was confused at the moment and wanted to argue with him. She wanted to tell him that he had also concealed something essential from her.

For some reason, she said nothing—not even a word of accusation. Perhaps, she wanted to hear him first.

"Vivian was the one who left the letter on your desk," he said slowly. "I could have kept an eye on her movements. I suspected that she had a vile motive for joining the company, but still, I ignored it because I mistakenly believed the Simons really intended to reconcile with us. My carelessness made her fearless, and she dared to threaten you."

He gritted his teeth, angry at himself. When he looked back at her, his expression softened. He caressed her cheek.

"I will make her and her father pay for trying to hurt you," he murmured.