You have failed me.

Christopher gently put her on the bed and unbuttoned his suit jacket, eyeing her intently. Abigail put her hand on his and stopped him.

"Let me do it."

A smirk played on his lips. He was curious as to what she was going to do with him.

"What is it, Abi? Are you going to kill me?"

She lifted her eyelids in slow motion, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Shh…" She pressed her fingertip on his plump lips. "You should only enjoy."

"I am now at your mercy," he mumbled, his eagerness nearly killing him.

She only smiled slyly as she let the jacket slide over his shoulders, placing a kiss on his chest. She began opening his shirt buttons and licking his exposed chest.

Christopher could feel the rush of blood in every cell of his body. The sensation he was experiencing was new to him, and he enjoyed the impulses that were overpowering him.

She removed his shirt and let him fall onto the bed.