Deep connection

Sebastian's face lit up with joy. He couldn't conceal his happiness at the prospect of Abigail accompanying him. He was excited to picture Maria's delight at seeing her.

On the way, he told her more about his wife's condition.

"That stormy night snatched everything from me… my wealth, my power, and… my precious daughters…" His voice was reduced to a whisper.

Abigail listened to him intently.

"My enemies wanted to destroy me and kill my whole family. They almost succeeded in it. Maria was shot twice in the back." He sighed deeply, reminiscing about the past. "I have been taking care of her ever since."

Abigail was terrified to hear his story. She wondered how people could be so cruel.

"And what about your daughters?" She couldn't help but be curious.

Sebastian grinned and gazed intently at her. "They are doing well."

"Oh…" Abigail sighed with relief.

"We have arrived." Sebastian grinned.