Dangerous and shady

Christopher widened his eyes in shock and surprise, forgetting to shake his hand. He knew how powerful and wealthy Sebastian was. But he was also aware of how dangerous and shady this man was.

There was no evidence against Sebastian for his involvement in illegal activities, but everyone suspected that he was linked to the Underworld.

Christopher was agitated under his chilly glare. His thoughts were racing as he pondered what Sebastian wanted from Abigail.

Abigail had indeed helped him, but it was not enough for such a man to make him bring her to his place and introduce his wife.

He had always been warned to avoid people like him, which is why he had never considered doing business with him. Now, seeing him in person, he felt his apprehension grow.

Christopher felt like he needed to protect Abigail from any harm that might come her way. He drew her even closer to him as if trying to shield her from any possible danger.