Jasper’s despair

Jasper walked away, his heart heavy. He couldn't believe Abigail had said those things to him. He felt as though he had lost everything… his love, and his hope for the future.

Jasper walked aimlessly for hours, not paying attention to where he was going… lost in his own thoughts, feeling sorry for himself.

His phone was vibrating inside his pocket, but he was too preoccupied with his grief to notice.

Finally, he found himself in a park. He sat on a bench with his head bowed and his eyes closed.

'You are selfish. You are cheap.'

He saw Abigail screaming at him. His breathing became shallower and tighter, and his throat clenched. Tears burned his eyes.

He was sad for himself, for the future that he thought he would never have. He didn't know how long he sat there, lost in his thoughts.


Jasper eventually became aware of the phone vibrating. He dug into his pocket for his phone and saw Elsa's name.
