Frigid eyes

Christopher couldn't help but feel annoyed when he saw his sister assaulting his guest. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, placing himself between Vivian and Britney.

"You will apologize to Vivian right now for your actions." His voice carried stern authority.

Britney couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was hurt in the face of his sharp glare. She had never seen Christopher become enraged at her.

Tears began to collect in the corners of her eyes.

"Do you want me to apologize to her? Are you serious, Chris? Have you forgotten how cunning and heartless her father is? How could you support her?"

Christopher clenched and unclenched his jaw, but his resolve remained firm. "Say sorry to Vivian."

Britney looked at Christopher with a mixture of hurt and confusion.

"Why are you torturing me like this? Is it true that I am no longer significant to you? Is Vivian more important to you than our family?"