Engagement Announcement

Vivian's mind was consumed by suspicion; her thoughts were fixated on the possibility of Britney being the hidden enemy orchestrating chaos in Christopher's life. Though she wished to confide in Christopher, she felt that doing so without specific evidence would backfire.

Christopher would never believe in this theory.

Vivian understood that she needed to gather irrefutable proof before presenting her findings to him. Britney was a good actress who could convince everyone that she was a nice and sympathetic person. But Vivian was not taken in. She had a feeling that Britney was hiding something, and she was determined to find out what it was.

With unwavering determination, Vivian dialed Christopher's number.


"Chris… Um… I am not feeling quite well. My hand is hurting. Can you come and get me? I am sorry to disturb you. If you are busy, I will call the driver."

Vivian spoke as gently as she could, pretending to be pitiful.