Christopher’s anguish

Christopher sat at his desk, staring at the computer screen. He had been working on the same report for hours, but he couldn't seem to focus. His mind kept wandering back to Anastasia's words.

'Have you forgotten about Abigail so easily?' Her words still stung his heart even after hours as if she were standing in front of him and hurling accusations at him.

He loved Abigail more than anything in the world. But how could he say that to her? How could he explain that he was frantic to find her?

Despite the fact that his insides were tearing apart, he tried to appear normal and happy. He was so helpless that he couldn't even openly express his anguish. How could he tell her how much he missed Abigail?

He kept his emotions bottled up inside and went through the motions of his day, but he was never truly present. He was always thinking about Abigail.