Waking up from the coma

Christopher stepped closer to Vivian and gently placed his hand on her arm, offering support and reassurance. He knew the weight of their plan was burdensome, but they had to remain strong and support each other.

"Vivian, I know how much you care for Eddie, but right now we have to be cautious," he said. "We have to stay focused on our mission and keep our true intentions hidden. It won't be easy, but it's the only way we can uncover the truth."

Vivian nodded, her tears brimming over, but she wiped them away with determination. She straightened her posture, summoning her resolve and strength. She made a silent promise to herself to keep her emotions in check, knowing that their plan relied on their ability to deceive the enemy.

Taking a deep breath, Vivian plastered a forced smile on her face, trying to regain composure. Christopher admired her bravery, knowing the internal struggle she was facing. He squeezed her hand gently.