The war has just begun.

Britney wasted no time in launching her questions and challenging her loyalty toward Christopher, with a hint of triumph in her tone.

Vivian, on the other hand, stayed composed, refusing to be shaken by Britney's provocations. Meeting Britney's gaze with unwavering composure, Vivian responded in measured tones.

"My boyfriend paid him a visit last night, and I believe it was sufficient. Is it necessary for me to rush to visit him in the middle of the night?" She shrugged. "Well, I was planning on visiting him after work, but then I got word that he was being discharged."

Vivian moved toward her. "I am surprised that you are here when Eddie has reached home. Instead of staying there, you are here to interrogate me. Tell me seriously, Britney: Why are you so upset with my relationship with Chris? Why are you trying to destroy our beautiful bond?"

Her words were deliberate, intended to deflect Britney's attempts at manipulation.