I don't owe you an explanation.

Eddie returned home with a smile gracing his face. His heart danced with joy, still basking in the warmth of the intimate moments he had shared with Vivian. He had finally claimed the woman he loved, and she had likewise expressed her love for him.

He was happy; his dissatisfaction and pain were leaving his heart. He could envision his future with Vivian. He wished he could stay with her a bit longer, but he couldn't ignore her warnings.

Vivian had voiced her suspicions about Britney wreaking havoc in Christopher's life. Although he was skeptical about this theory, he realized that an unseen force was manipulating everything around Christopher.

His own instincts urged him to acknowledge the validity of her concerns and help them figure out who that person was so they could find Abigail and bring her home. He had to be cautious and keep a safe distance from Vivian for the time being so that no one would suspect them.